A bit confused abnormal bmb all other tests ok though platelets still raised. Am about to start HYDROXYCARBAMIDE. After reading links people have suggested it says the drug is used to treat chronic leukaemia.Have i got leukaemia?.
Mpn: A bit confused abnormal bmb all other tests... - MPN Voice

Hi. I thought you had been diagnosed with ET. You must speak to your doctor to confirm this.
Hydroxycarbamide ( also known as hydroxyurea or hydroxy) is the standard first line treatment for ET. It should help reduce your platelet counts.
Hydroxycarbamide is used for a range of other conditions. Don't try to diagnose yourself based on the medication that has been mentioned.

Hi Sinylg, Hydroxycarbamide is used to treat MPNs, please read this information on our website
Hydroxycarbamide is used to treat blood diseases of the bone marrow: essential thrombocythaemia (ET), polycythaemia vera (PV) and chronic myeloid leukaemia.
You need to discuss this with your haematologist and ask her/him to explain in more detail why you are being advised to take Hydroxycarbamide and what your actual diagnosis is. I can see from your previous posts that it was a while ago that you were referred to a haematologist because of your raised platelets, so it would be best to get some more answers from your haematologist.
Kind regards, Maz