Post by MPN-MATE Admin » Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:35 am
Evening all from Sydney...
The 'Findings' of this article are of great interest, in my view...
However, it is very important here to 'note' that these are the findings of a USA based study over a very long period of time, (c. 50 years), and a great many variables are more unique to that culture and their prevalence of ethnicities peculiar to the USA, other than what we might apply in our Australian experience.
Hence, so as I stated above; these findings, are of important interest to MPN data & statistic collection globally, yet they do not particularly qualify to us here in Australia in all regards... Why not? Simple, as yet a similar study in the Australian experience of MPNs has not as yet been undertaken. Why not? Well... I shall leave that answer for others to speculate upon...
However, my response is/was to create a Fundraiser to see Australian Research Institutions take up the MPN challenge and endeavour to contribute to the knowledge gap that exists in Australia...
Next Sunday week, I will appear on a Community Radio show to continue to raise awareness about MPNs in Australia. The host of that show sent me an email today requesting that I assist him understand the MPN incidence and its size in Australia. When he asked me the question:
"How many Australians are there that have an MPN?"
My answer is actually, I can't really say in any qualified way because there is 'NO RESEARCH' or 'AUSTRALIAN MPN DATA' has ever been collected or undertaken, that can accurately reflect the answer...
Hopefully, if I am successful in staging my 'RIDE' around Australia, one of those Research Outcomes might well be to conduct the Research that might someday better respond to questions concerning qualifying & quantifying MPNs in the Australian fora...
Incidence of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Population-based, US Data
—US incidence rates of myeloproliferative neoplasms, and relative survival, was largely unknown until last year, when NIH-funded research assessed epidemiologic trends between 2001 and 2012. Here’s what we’ve learned.
By Kristin Bundy
Thanks for listening... Happy 2020