Is there any doctor with ET? Kindly let me know how things are going for you.
Being a doctor with et: Is there any doctor with... - MPN Voice
Being a doctor with et

HI Jennifer
you also get tested for jak1 or 2 negative or positive i have Essential thrombocytheamia jak2 positive anyone who has an mpn gets tested for jak1 or 2 negative or positive it is routine so please do not worry
best wishes
Scottish Terrier
Thank you. (Also, I love Scottish Terriers!)
your welcome i use the name because i was campaigning for more mpn clinical nurse specialists in scotland and better understanding by GPs about MPN with the help of my Msp it has taken from the end off November till this month for my hospital to get one i constantly pushed Shona Robison and new health minister and head of GPs i would not let it lie that is why i am Scottish Terrier and never gave up also had a neighbour who had a mother and daughter brilliant temperament
best wishes
Scottish Terrier
Hi Adeesh,
I have been aware of at least 2 Doctors with MPNs posting on this site over the last couple of years, so I hope someone does reply to you. I have ET myself, but am not a doctor.
Best Wishes,
Hi Peter,
Since how long are you dealing with ET?
Hi Adeesh
Am Post ET/MF .
Long journey 13 years firsts diagnosed ET put on aspirin and chemo drug to get my platelets lower around 350 then around 7 years ago my blood cancer developed to mulfibrosis blood cancer scaring of the bone marrow am now dependent transfusion every 4month !still enjoying life play golf work part time hairdresser !best wisher