I am PV and taking hydroxy. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to deal with mouth ulcers?
Mouth ulcers: I am PV and taking hydroxy. Does... - MPN Voice
Mouth ulcers
If you click on Related Posts on the right hand side of the page there are loads of suggestions from members.
My heam prescribed Chlorhexidine and said to rinse after every meal. Worked for me.
I use a gel from Periosciences call AO ProVantage as a topical. It really helped. The old standby of baking soda solution rinse light help. Bear in mind that the mouth ulcers are a sign of HU toxicity. HU compromises your immune system and allows these opportunistic mouth infections to occur. Stands to reason that anything you can do to boost your immune system would be a good idea. If having ulcers, watch out for Thrush. That also happens. Be aware that HY can also cause thickening and discoloration of the tongue, which is sometimes mistaken for Thrush (experienced all of the above). Be sure to le your doc know and don't ley them just blow you off. If you end up being HU intolerant, there are other options. Systems of care often don't like the other options since they are more expensive though. All the best - hope you get it sorted out.