Any body know how to stop episodes of vertigo I'm having really bad bouts of them thank you
Vertigo: Any body know how to stop episodes of... - MPN Voice

What MPN do you have and what medications are you taking?
I don't know I'm seeing my GP ON Tuesday thank you
Hello, my husband suffers with vertigo occasionally, and his doctor gave him some exercises to do to get everything back in order. Worth speaking to your gp about or maybe see if the exercises are on the internet. Good luck!

Thank you hope to get something sorted the bouts really scare me
Look at the Eply manoeuvre on Google/YouTube. You need to determine which side of the inner ear is off balance. I would suggest you locate a physio who specialises in it. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water
Works a treat and once taught can be done by your husband at home as and if necessary.
You may have positional vertigo. My husband a a good friend had this. Both had success using eliminating without drugs. Lots of info on internet about how to deal with.
If you can access a homeopathy doctor, then homeopathy has some excellent medicines to counter vertigo without side effects. It takes some trial and error but it does work very well with long term sustained cure .
Hi I started 1 anagrelide a day and was fine then 2. I have have had to go back 1 a day my lightheadedness has gone
I have had recurring bouts of it. To minimize symptoms while I have it, I wear Sea-Bands (used to prevent motion sickness when I travel). They have worked wonderfully well for me while I have vertigo. I saw another person recommend the Eply maneuver. It seems to help many people. However, I found another maneuver on YouTube. I can’t think of the doctor’s name and my phone won’t let me search as I type this message. But after 1 or multiple tries (simple) by myself at home, it clears up my vertigo. Now I always sleep with 2 pillows to keep my head raised and I haven’t had vertigo again in almost a year. Good luck to you! Vertigo is more debilitating to me than my PV symptoms.
It’s the Foster Maneuver. Carol Foster is the Dr. You can see it in a video, and print off directions if you need to have them