Christmas Message 2018 from MPN Voice: Hello... - MPN Voice

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Christmas Message 2018 from MPN Voice

Mazcd profile image
16 Replies

Hello everyone

2018 has been another amazing year for MPN Voice, and all because of your fantastic support.

Forums – we held 9 forums around the UK and Ireland in 2018 with a total of 883 people attending, a mixture of patients and family members, almost double the number of attendees in 2017! We had a delay in starting off the forums this year, with Belfast having to be cancelled in March because of the snow ‘The Beast from the East’ had us all snowed in, but we managed to rearrange it and held it in September with no disasters with the weather. We also held a forum in Dublin, the first for over 10 years, you can read a summary of the day here.

We will be arranging the forums for 2019, including Cork in Southern Ireland, in the next couple of months and hope to see you at one or more of them. We are very grateful to those of you who attended and of course to the medical teams who gave their time and support in attending and giving talks.

Living with MPNs Day 2019 – our 5th event will take place sometime in November 2019, we don't have any details yet, it will be advertised as soon as we do.

Surveys – once again this year you answered our call to take part in numerous surveys, your contribution to these surveys does make a difference so thank you very much for taking the time to complete them.

Advocacy –the MPN Advocates Network (part of the Leukaemia Patient Advocates Foundation) is a network of MPN patient group representatives from around the world which was formed to create and maintain collaboration between patient groups. Our chairman, Jon Mathias, is also a member of the MPN Advocates Network steering committee, and in September 2018 he attended their global conference in Prague, along with delegates from around the world representing their patient organizations, including Maz from MPN Voice. The conference was also attended by many haematologists from around the world giving very informative talks covering updates on MPN research, current and emerging therapies, symptom management and more. You can view the presentation slides and videos from the conference here.

Fundraising and Donations – what another amazing year 2018 has been with all the events you have organized and taken part in, we are overwhelmed by the courage, energy and support that YOU all achieved through organizing and taking part in events, to making donations throughout the year, the funds you raise or donate are used to fund the work that we do to support the MPN community and also to fund research studies. We cannot thank you all enough for your support and generosity, you are all wonderful people.

Trials and Research – MPN Voice is currently supporting 4 clinical trials: MOSAICC; Mithridate; Measures; MPN Clot. Trials and research studies benefit all of us with a MPN, if you want to take part in any trial or research study you can find out more here.

We are also supporting the MyMPN patient registry to collect information over time from MPN patients, it is a digital hub for patients to record and anonymously share their unique MPN journey, the MyMPN registry was created by the MPN Research Foundation and will allow patients to connect with upcoming drug trials and research that will help to increase knowledge about MPNs. For more information about the registry, including how to join, click here.

Buddy support – our buddies are fabulous people who have again throughout the year helped many many people with MPNs, not just the newly diagnosed, but others who have had their MPN for a while, and also partners/family members of someone who has a MPN. We would like to thank all our buddies very much for the wonderful support they have given to others throughout 2018. If you would like to become one of our buddies to offer support and help to other people please get in touch, and if you would like to have a buddy then email

HealthUnlocked – the online forum for people with MPNs, a place where you can ask questions; offer support; get comfort from other people; share coping strategies and lots more. The MPN Voice community has a membership of just under 3,500 members and there are actually over 15,000 people affected by MPNs who visit the community each MONTH!! This is from a global audience, including USA, Canada, Australia and many more countries. If you are not yet part of the community you can join here it’s free and anonymous, and monitored by the MPN Voice medical team to ensure accuracy and safety.

Volunteers – we need YOU. We are very busy here at MPN Voice and always need extra help, with admin, helping at forums, fundraising events. If you are able to help in any way we would love to hear from you, please email .

We are looking forward to another exciting year in 2019 and hope to see you at one, or more, of our patients’ forums or at a fundraising event.

Thank you, all of you, for your continued support, without you we could not continue.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your families from all of us at MPN Voice

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Mazcd profile image
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16 Replies
piggie50 profile image

Thank you for everything you do for us Maz.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year in your new home.

Very best wishes

Judy xx

Inca profile image

Bon Apres Midi Maz,

All our Best Wishes to you for Noel and the coming year in your new home.

Thanks to you also for advising my daughter when I was so poorly and of course everything you do for M P N Voice,for us all in fact.

Sally (Inca) and family.

ksos profile image

Merry Christmas to you, too, Maz. Thank you for everything you do and make possible for all of us.

All the best in the new year,


Aime profile image

Thank you Maz and everyone else on the team who make this forum and MPN Voice possible. Can I wish everyone on this team but also everyone who posts on the forum a great Christmas and as healthy as possible 2019.

Love and E hugs to you all. Aime xx😸😸

mhos61 profile image

Thanks Maz!

Also, thanks to all the medical experts and volunteers who give so freely of their time on our behalf. It is very much appreciated. May each and everyone of you have a much deserved happy festive break.

Mary xx

babbittybumble profile image

Thank you everyone and happy Christmas to you all bye Gill

socrates_8 profile image

One word Maz... :-)


You really are. Thank you for all you do for MPNers & all their families too...

Best wishes



maryz66 profile image

Thank you Maz and team you’re fantastic! Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you all

Raphael_UK profile image

Not sure how I'd survive without this forum, thanks Maz & merry Christmas ans a happy 2019.

Aime profile image
Aime in reply to Raphael_UK

Totally agree with your reply. Aime xx😺😺😻😻

MaggieMagpie49 profile image

Maz, thank you once again for all your support. This year has been very challenging for me so would love to attend a Forum next year. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2019

redumbrella profile image

Thank you Maz and the team for all the support since my introduction to MPN Voice at the Forum in Dublin. It has helped to give me a much greater understanding of this illness in which we all share. I look forward to meeting you in Cork next year.

In the meantime I wish you and all who are involved a very Happy Christmas and New Year.


Stevesmum42 profile image

Thank you Maz, and all the team who make this site possible.

It's difficult to express how much the forum means to us . It's our direct link to understanding our conditions , it is our safety net, a warm caring safe pair of arms that wrap around us when we feel low and vulnerable . I don't imagine there is another site which has so many wonderful people who reassure , empathise, advise, and send their caring thoughts when needed. There are no judgemental or thoughtless comments from these wonderful people who reach out with concern and compassion. ( thank you Maz for your monitoring our site so well, )

Thank you all you lovely people. I wish you a very happy Christmas . And a peaceful healthy New Year.

Love to all Sandy X

tracey13 profile image

Best wishes Maz, thank for all your support xx

crapaud profile image

Great work Maz👍 thanks.

I don’t visit the forum as much these days, still ´pop-in’ from time to time to see if I can help out.

Best wishes to everyone for a vert merry Xmas and a super New Year.


Mazcd profile image

You are all so lovely, what nice messages from you all. You are amazing people and it's a pleasure to be in contact with you all. I am happy in my new home and new village, everyone is very friendly and made us feel very welcome, and we are looking forward to our first Christmas in Devon. Merry Christmas everyone. x x x x

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