Just got results back from hematology. Platelets at 460 so bk down to just 2 pills a day. Feeling good but still broke as .oh well who needs money to live anyways lol
Finally unda 5hundy: Just got results back from... - MPN Voice
Finally unda 5hundy

Ditto!! Every cloud & all that but at least the platelets are down! Atb, tina🤗
That’s good news in regards to the platelets. Glad to hear your dose of hu has been lowered too.
Mary x
Hi Franky,
Great news that your platelets came down so quickly from their enormous numbers and your pill dosage can be cut back a bit. I do hope that other parts of life can improve too, it is no fun at all being broke at this time of the year.
All the Best,
Health is more important than money - but it also feels good to have a quid in your pocket! Hope your finances improve like your platelets!
Glad to hear your platelets are down. Here's hoping the finances go up soon -- keep everything in balance.
So glad for lower platlet number
Hi Franky
That’s brilliant news!
Hopefully the New Year will be kinder to us all! (Feeling your broke pain 🤨)