Hi I have PV since 05. Went on interferon late 06. So fatigued glad to retire. It took a few years to get used to PV, venesections and interferon and then i stableised. Now on low dose Pegasys and lead the best active life I can. Fitbit keeps me focused. I try to keep abreast of information and ideas. And long may it last. Mairead
MPort: Hi I have PV since 05. Went on interferon... - MPN Voice

Hi Mairead,
Nice to hear your optimistic outlook, and great too that your PV remains stable.
I got a Fitbit for xmas. It does help with the motivation. I don’t hit the 10000 steps every day, but two days a week I do around 15000; so I think that makes up for my lazy days.
Have a good weekend
Mary x
Hi Mairead good to hear you doing well and yes long may it last i not done much walking this week frightened to go out in case I fall in snow best wishesPoppy
Hi Mary
Thanks you for your kind reply. I thought I was putting these comments on my 'profile' not sending an irrelevant post. But no harm done. Mary have you turned on notifications on Fitbit? I have after 2 years and try to get 13 red dots to equal a green flush each day. It's hilarious the effort it takes. I am now philosophical about the 10k steps. Some days I manage. keep well. Mairead
Hi again Mairead,
no, I haven’t switched on Fitbit notifications. I’m not the most technical person in the world. It takes me a while to be accustomed to these things. I’m impressed with it so far though recording sleep and steps etc. Bit frustrating on ‘lazy days’ when it buzzes you to ‘take me for a stroll’ whilst watching your favourite tv and you’re curled up comfortable on the sofa😡. But when you achieve or over achieve, great feeling🤗
Your take me for a stroll means you have notifications turned on at some level. My sister got severe blood clots after a complicated op. So now I use the Stroll prompt to keep me moving. PV can lead to unexpected blood sluggishNess. I keep my HTC low at 38 but once at 40 it jumps to 43. So just in case it is rising I do the hourly steps. Might be useless I know but it keeps me sane.
Hi, this may sound lazy, but when my iwatch does this to me I get up and walk around the lounge so I don't miss anything
Angela xx
Good on you, Mairead. Life is for living and we just have to accept the hiccups. Glad to hear you have stabilised and are doing the best you can.
I haven’t got a Fitbit but noticed on my iPhone that I’d done rather a lot of steps the other day - turned out it was the day I took the horse out for a long ride! Slightly cheating seeing as she did all the work but it looks impressive!
Gill x
Gill that is amazing. The steps the horse did recording you doing them. It's hilarious. I found ways to cheat! I bounce on blue exercise ball. I march on the spot. Arm swings record a step. It's all exercise and especially useful when weather is bad.
I have ordered magnesium. I had hoped to find a tumEric and black pepper capsule. Apparently Amazon is out of stock. If you know a different supplier let me know. Otherwise I may just buy the golden paste in our village.
Thanks for helpful magnesium info.
Hadn’t thought of those cheats! I should try them and shock my daughter by beating her one day - she walks miles each day and would be mortified if I had a higher score!
I use the following turmeric tablets:
They come in an envelope so I put them in an empty pill box. Not sure if they help but I haven’t felt worse.
Good luck with the magnesium
Gill x
Takes me all my brain power to work out a washing machine would never manage a fit bit...!!!!Two German Shepherds and two Elderly mares I bred 32years ago keep me going.! Well done tho to all of you so committed to steps....Sally
I read somewhere recently (you honestly expect this PV brain to recall what and where?? 🤣🤣) that the 10 000 steps edict was a marketing ruse dreamt up years back. And actually is pretty meaningless. Shorter bursts of more intense walking activity repeated throughout the day is evidently far more beneficial. How short I’m asking myself? 😁.