I have had an MPN for 25 years come June 2019. I want to have a party to celebrate but am I behaving in bad taste. Max a Million told me I would set a record for MPN survival when i first met him. I can't believe i have got this far having had PV, Then MF then CML. Is this inappropriate for someone who dealt with fatal illnesses in my working life or just an expression of love that I have survived to share my life with my wife of nearly 34 years.
This Spring I will organise a walk to disperse the ashes of a/my horse. I say that because Lacey taught me to ride, she was such an independent animal. Anyone who had dealings with her will be invited including the very young man who had the decency to let my daughters say goodbye on their own the night before she was going to be put to sleep . I taught my daughters to gallop on her because she would have never deliberately hurt them.
She broke my leg when she threw me because a branch brushed her back end racing up a field then the following day looked me up and down like this was nothing to do with me. Acceptable as I had rode her back to her stable and jumped off onto concrete then drove home till my leg exploded.
I adored that horse who was a riding school animal on half hire and could never have let her be cremated with a mix of other animals like rubbish but I have to now dispose? of her in the right way.
Scattering her ashes in spring when everything is starting to regrow is the closest I can come to imagining giving her molecules resurrection.
Is celebrating 25 years appropriate? We went to Rome to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, totally conventional.
I think it is totally OK but my mind has doubts if I will be be insulting people I couldn't keep alive?