Hello, Does any one know of any successful pregnancies while having MPN. ET. JAK2+? I am now 27 years young but 5years ago before I was diagnosed with MPN I had my son. He now asks for a brother or sister to play with. It is killing be because I am terrified of being pregnant first because of this JAK2 and second Because my son was born 29 weeks and after that I’ve had 2 miscarriages after that.
MPN & Pregnancy: Hello, Does any one know of any... - MPN Voice
MPN & Pregnancy

There are women who had succesful pregnancies while having ET, some say their platelet number even went down naturally during pregnancy. I think you would have to use some blood thinner and if you are using antiplatelet medication you should use some form of interferon as it is the only medication that can be used during pregnancy. Best to talk to your hematologist and decide how to proceed, I can only tell you it is possible. I'll try to find some papers on the subject.
Best wishes,
Found some
Hope this helps and wish you a succesful pregnancy.

Hi Cathy, this information on our website might help you
I was diagnosed with ET at 19 (I am now 38), Jak2+. I have never been on meds except aspirin as my platelets have only once risen above 1000. I had my 1st son when I was 31 (natural birth, no complications), my daughter at 33 (emergency ceaser at full term), 2 miscarriages and then my 2nd son at 36 (ceaser, full term). I did have blood loss almost requiring a transfusion for both my 1st & 3rd births. My platelets also went down in all pregnancies. I was utterly exhausted for all 3 and required a lot of additional help (which I thankfully had).
It is possible. Best wishes with whatever decision you end up making.
Hi. I don’t know where you are based but I believe that Prof Harrison and the team at Guy’s run an MPN maternity clinic. So there is some very particular and specialist advice out there! Good luck.
Hi there, really quick reply but feel free to ask any questions. Yes: 2 daughters nearly 15 and 10 (tomorrow!) Interferon injections and daily aspirin throughout as platelets were very high (only diagnosed during routine bloods for first pregnancy. Interferon is the only platelet reducing medication that is safe during pregnancy and also breastfeeding (though you may not need reduction medication if your levels are not too high and it is common for platelets to reduce naturally during pregnancy)