Does anyone have any advice about dealing with mouth ulcers as a result of HU ?
Mouth Ulcers: Does anyone have any advice about... - MPN Voice
Mouth Ulcers

I had 1 sore come up in my mouth since starting hu. It came after a period of not drinking very much water, and I know that is very important being on HU. So I am trying to drink more. I also do not let the capsule touch the inside of my mouth any more , but instead stick it straight sown my throat. My hemo laughed at me for doing this. But hey whatever works. Best of luck to you.
Hi Chris3875 , , I recall periods of being plagued with sizeable mouth ulcers when on HU over many years. There has been much discussion on this topic on the Forum. My advice every time is not to waste your money on over counter remedies except maybe a decent mouthwash. But I always used lukewarm saltwater when I had the ulcers which I think helped to clear them. Sometimes you have to temporarily stop certain spicy foods or sauces such as ketchup and of course no salt and vinegar on your chips unless you have masochistic tendencies. I risked it a few times when I had several ulcers and remember my oos and ahs as I tried to eat my chips.
Good luck with them. Cheers -- Chris
hi I would stick with the warm salt water too. I have used corsodyl in that past for gums but first time since on HU and it burnt my mouth, made it very sorr with lots of blisters on gums and sore roof of mouth. Dentist said it was an alergic reaction to corsodyl. Not sure if the HU triggered this but odd onl happened now.
Thanks Jane.