I'm having trouble with the circulation in my lower legs and feet !!mind you the summer is a long time coming .what happened to flaming June ?? The weather affects our moods I think .. Don't you ?? Twinkly ..xx
Is it me or does it feel cold enough to be winte... - MPN Voice
Is it me or does it feel cold enough to be winter ?

I know what you mean about the summer, its not been terrible but just not warm yet....really looking forward to evenings where we can sit outside.
It is very cold for the time of year, when we were at the caravan last week we had a full day of hail and thunder, it looked as though it had been snowing, but the day before and day after were lovely. Only in this country can you get sunburn and frostbite in the same day! It was on the news that we have had snow before in June! It's being so cheerful that keeps me going! LOL. XX

It's all right for you in the balmy south - it was nine degrees here yesterday with a howling gale! Yikes.
Still got heating on full blast and wearing my thermal vest. Yes, I feel the cold permanently but then I don't have as much padding as most folk so I put it down to that. Husband walks round in his shirt sleeves whilst I'm swathed in a fleece...
Weather definitely affects my mood! I am so in need of some warmth on my bones. I know it seems ridiculous but I have still had heating or the fire on for a bit to warm up my cold hands and tootsies. Bring on the sunshine we all need it xx
Everyone wherever they live seem to be complaining about the weather, so its not just you Twinkly. But just to give everyone a little hope, in 1975 it did snow at the beginning of June then it was lovely from mid June to September. The following year 1976 was hot, hot, hot, remember it well as I was pregnant, swollen ankles all summer but still bliss. Keep smiling we chillies may will get our reward yet!!
you're spot on with that sksar a scorching 76 summer causing minor property subsidence it was so dry. .Temps reached abt 33 degrees in Blackpool, I was 15 and hanging out ont park doing what teens do. wi the ghetto blaster busting out tunes like 'don't go breakin my heart, dancin queen, sister suzy,brother john, open the door and 'let em all in', young hearts run free and many others some Quo but can't recall it. Was a brill year in an era when the music charts were peppered wi classics in my opimion. . thanks for the memory JR
Hi Twinkly, I can sympathize with you over painful legs and feet; I'm suffering badly with mine - my ankles are purple/mauve - they look awful and feel awful. Still we have got to keep positive and soldier on. Weather here (West Sussex) has been very changeable, but beautiful today. Whatever the weather is like I still love to walk to the sea shore, the gentle lapping of the waves, or the crashing of them, on the beach is very therapeutic and cheers me up no end. Keep smiling, and twinkling xx
I know exactly where you are coming from! I live in Devon, which is 'meant' to be warmer than other parts of the UK but I'm still sat here with the heating on, feet in socks. I had a Stroke, due to PV 2 years ago and my right leg is still 'numb' (altered sensation they call it) My right leg and foot are permanently cold. The problem is that I'm also not looking forward to any extreme heat ~ as that makes me feel really yucky and sluggish ~ I've noticed that my levels go up during periods of heat (thankfully it doesn't happen often in the UK). I just like a nice clement spring like day, blue skies, birds tweeting and no need for heating. I can but wish.
You are defiantly not alone ..I used to love the sun ,sat out to get a tan every year ,but it's strange now .i don't like the hot days ..this cold feelings in our arms and legs must be an effect of the blood problem .our ciculation is effected for sure .the best way to get warm is to bath .but it's a big effort .I do so enjoy a good moan tho !! It seems to help !! Twinkle twinkle .xxx
Ahhh, someone from Devon! There aren't many of us in this part of the world! Whereabouts are you Kari1961? I'm in Exeter and Agree with all about the cold, I put my heating back on earlier this week.
Judy x
Hi Judy ~ Great to hear from a fellow Devonian I'm in Exeter too! We actually may cross paths at the Day Case unit at some point. Is your Haematologist Dr Kerr? Karina. x