who is going to the support group at maggies on weds 20th may
mpn midlands support group: who is going to the... - MPN Voice
mpn midlands support group

Shelly I do wish I could , it's just to far im in the north ( Newcastle ) it's to far to travel for me , , I do wish the was one a wee bit closer to me , x
why don't you start one phelpsy I know maz would help you have you got a specialist nurse at your hospital as I am sure she will help you too as angela supported me in nottingham
Shelly I'm a bag nerves as it is , couldn't possibly run a support group ,wish I could ,
I can't even remember what happened yesterday lol , x
you don't have to run it maz will
I never see the specialist nurse , or the Consultant
It's always,
Head of the pharmacy Pretty sad really ,
so could be difficult setting up a support group with there help , !!!
can you not make an appointment to meet them or get an email address from them so you can get things started often the consultants emails are common knowledge
It's North Tyneside general Hospital, Haematology
Mr Williams , if anyone fancies getting in touch with them , ..
To start a support group , ,,,
cant make this one as on hols, but will be at june one
I will be going. It is great to meet others and chat. It is nice to see the mpn recognised both at Maggies and in the hospital. Makes you realise you are not alone.
Phelpsy did the support group happen maz were you able to contact doctor Williams regarding a group I do so hope it happened email is in post above x lots of love phelpsy xx