Does anyone know if there are support group meet ups in south England X
Meet ups?: Does anyone know if there are... - More To Life
Meet ups?

I'm not sure sorry. I'm not sure if you've been to this website but might be worth checking out. Take care
Hey pebbles when you find one near let me know I'd like to go as well xx
I've found a Reading Meet up for childless women (downloaded the Meetup App ).
There are groups all over the place. Reading group meet in a cafe the first Saturday morning of every month. I've not been brave enough to go yet though!
You have to fill in the application to join the group so that they ensure you are like-minded or in a relevant similar situation.
Minmin please do go ahead and fill in the application form for the Reading meet up. I've done it and I'm going!
Is that on the actual gateway website to fill in?
Thanks for the encouragement. I just don't know if my anxiety will allow me to do that. Some days are ok but as it's only once a month I can never guarantee I'll be able to do I scares the life out of me walking in somewhere I don't know anyone! xx
Me too I'll be a bag of nerves but I'm so fed up with not finding friends who get my situation so I just want to give it a try. Maybe we could meet half hour beforehand? Would that help?
Are you still planning in going on Saturday? I don't think I could go in alone but maybe if I met you first we could bolster our nerves together!
Yes ☺ and very happy to meet you earlier. Shall we meet there at 1030? x
Yes, outside patisserie Valerie? x
Great look forward to meeting you. I'm not v tall, have brown mid length hair and will decide what to watt nearer the time! Sx
Where's is the meet up. I'm actually due to work Saturday so cannot make it. But interested in any other meet ups xx
No, it's on the Meet ups app I think from memory. I couldn't find anything about Gateway.
I filled in the form and got accepted but I've not managed to go yet.
Hi I would be really interested in a support group near to plymouth if anyone is aware of any? Many thanks
I've just read this blog about the importance of support groups for women/couples in our situation. The writer mentions a group called 'more to life' that she found through the web site fertility network/support page. They were able to put her in touch with a group for support. Hope you find the help you need x

Thank you x
I've just started looking after the More To Life area of the Fertility Network and whilst I'm still finding my feet I do know there are some MTL groups although have yet to find one in Reading or Plymouth. I do want to help set them up as they are so needed although it will take a bit of time. In the meantime I want to set up a regular email to share news of groups, blogs, website, events etc all over the UK which you will hopefully find useful. If you hear of anything that fits that description please email me at
MinMin, I was nervous going to my first Gateway meet up - would I know who they were etc but someone had Jody Day's book left out on the table so I could find them. It's also a great idea for a couple of you to meet up first so you can walk in together - much less scary! I was so glad I went though, I've made some good friends and it's so nice to have a group that I can talk openly with.
Let me know how you get on