My friend has just been dignosied with migraine (it's the optical one) and she has been given imirgran and that's it. She would like to know what alternatives are avaialbe as the first sign of her migrianes are a dibilitating aura (changing aura, very, very bright, vision distortion, both eyes and peripheral, sometimes zig zag lines and shimmery, little bit of balance disturbance & blind spots) which last for up to half hour and imigran doesn't work because it takes half hour to work. She also has a 1yr old son and the migraine arura's prevent her from seeing to look after him. The doctors really aren't interested in the migraines or why they have suddenly occurred 10 after the birth of her son, i know that her Dad suffers with the same problem, the doctors didn't ask about family history, they just said that it sounded like a migraine as she had, her eyes checked by an optician. Are these also known as silent migraines?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Puzzled :o)