I have suffered from Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertention for 14 years and I have now been told that I'm suffering from Complex Migraines. What are they and how can I be diagnosed without any testing?
New to all of this and need advice pl... - National Migraine...
New to all of this and need advice please?
have you been down to the migraine centre to see the specialists there??
they will beable to explain it to you and go thru your treatment options.
Complex migraines from my experience is a term used when the Dr you see probably isn't able to identify which migraine type you have. You have probably described symptoms that go beyond migraine with/without aura.
Go with Rosianna's advice - take a trip to NMC or if that's not possible to a headache - neurologist who should be able to give you a more specific diagnosis of what migraine type you have.
Migraine diagnosis are based on your medical history and your own description of them to a specialist: there is no test that will show you have migraine, only tests that generally rule out other illnesses that may cause similar symptoms. Migraine is a pretty elusive neurological disease!
Good luck!