I'm really struggling to cope with my chronic cluster headaches, since i've been pregnant they have had to pattern to them anymore and strike at any time, i'm now 7 months pregnant and really scared, i try to keep as calm as possible to try not upset the baby, but within 10mins i'm usually on my hands and knees crying and screaming in pain. no tablets i have been prescribed have worked as of yet. i really don't know what to do anymore, I'm 23 and have been suffering with them for 2 years now.
Cluster heads! Advice please!! :( - National Migraine...
Cluster heads! Advice please!! :(

Oh Kenzie 😢 if they're that bad you really need to go to ER. If the GP isn't helping you 😢. Have they not tried oxygen?
I've been once to the ER but they thought i was after strong painkillers and sent me away with paracetamol and as they last around 45mins a time by the time we get there they've stopped, i tried oxygen in the hospital when i first became pregnant and was admitted with bad sickness but it never even touched it
i feel so alone with it, i've lost 99% of my social life. thanks for replying, it's nice to know someone out there understands!!
Have you seen a neurologist? You know you can call the national migraine centre for advice x
No i haven't, I'm getting straight on the phone to the docs this afternoon, i didn't know you could ask to be referred to see someone, i was taking verapamil and zolmitrapan sprays but the past 5 months i've just been holding the hot kettle to my head when i can get there in time, i didn't know you could call the migraine center, thats the second call to make this afternoon, i have a bit of a smile now thank you very much!! <3
I wasn't aloud any triptans. Migraleve duo should give you relief, 2 pink then 2 yellow 4hrs later even if you feel a bit better. You can't take them when taking triptans . Their mainly paracetamol based and a lot more gentle than triptans.
Google for NMC contact details.
Your GP is shocking 😠😠 x
i might give them another go, i was taking them like sweets but only cause i thought i was going through standard headaches. you've been a saving grace if i'm honest, a little hope and advice goes a looong way! and you've been 100xs more informative than my GP!!! x
Is there any autoimmune disease in your family, including Thyroid? Or history of other things going on? with grandparents when they were younger, or siblings, parents, close cousins etc? MaryF
Hiya MaryF, no one in my family has had anything like that, my nan has angina and my aunt suffers from vertigo, they're the only real medical conditions known.
ok, as sometime people have Hughes Syndrome/APS easy to diagnose with blood tests and easy to treat, often relatives have migraines, including vertigo, autoimmune conditions, a history of miscarriage in some people and also heart attacks and strokes, often respond well to Aspirin as basically it it an autoimmune condition that makes the blood a bit too thick and sticky, some people periodically get a strange lacey like rash in places. if any of this rings any bells come back to me as I have this. MaryF
Kenzie i was prescribed migraleve duo throughout my pregnancies they helped a lot. You can get them from the pharmacy. Have you tried these? X
I have tried these and nothing, before i understood what Cluster headaches were i these are what i took. the codeine in them didn't mix well for me at all x
Right if you have codien sensitivity the doc needs to get their finger out. If i was you i would keep presenting to ER until they done something. Botox is something that helps a lot of cluster migraine patients. Your ER will do it if your not hetting out of pain.
They really should scan you but i doubt they will with your condition.
In my opinion us migraine people are too nice, wee need to fight more 😠
Ask your GP if you can supplements vitB 12, co-e Q10 and magnesium. They have helped me but not sure if your pregnant. Feel for you and sending hugs x
Just joined so I can reply to you . . . Cluster headache sufferer myself.
Seems you are getting migraine advice here - which is a completely different disease - please visit ouchuk.org/ and call their help line - it was the best phone call I ever made.
Best of luck to you
thank you very much, i know people confuse it alot with a migraines. i'll give them a call this afternoon. thank you for joining to reply to me..means a lot± x
Hi. Do you have any other health issues going on at the moment? Your migraine sounds quite extreme. I have experience of extreme migraine which is part of auto immune disorder.
Hi hun how are u doing? I'm suffering too with bad headaches no med is helping
Kenzie .... Is this you Miss B .... from the Midlands?? .... If not, please try Cluster headaches on facebook (Large C, small h) You will find the help and advice you need there. Pain Free Wishes