Hi I've just returned from a holiday, where I had to take a lot of painkillers just to survive the 2 weeks, without spoiling it for everyone. I'm now trying to reduce the triptans and cocodamol, but it's very hard going without painkillers. Does anyone know how long it takes to get them out of your system. I've using hot water bottles and I've packs to cope. I take the Aimovig injections but don't seem to work for me, I've been on them 6 months now. Thanks for reading this
Rebound migrane: Hi I've just returned... - National Migraine...
Rebound migrane

Hi Mary, I don’t know how much help I can be but the half-life is 2 hours so by now you should absolutely be out of your system. As for other things you can try, I use Magnesium Glycinate capsules every day if you’ve tried this? I’ve also got what looks like a large thick swim cap that you put in the freezer which is really helpful for those days I can’t take anything as you literally just wear it.
Out of interest have you tried the Sumatriptan injection? I saw in your bio you have tried sumatriptan but not if it was the injection. I didn’t have a great experience with the tablets a few years ago, but after being prescribed the injection honestly it’s changed my life and I’d recommend anyone to try it even just once. They’re fussy with prescribing but as you’re currently using a Mab, they shouldn’t have any issue prescribing them at £25 a box!
Hi Suz, thankyou for your reply, I'll check out the cold cap, I haven't tried the sumatryptan injections, I've had the tablets and naratryptan, which work but soon wear off, so I'll mention the injections to my migran e nurse. If be willing to pay £25 to get rid of pain x
The cold cap I got from Amazon and is called a migraine relief cap, it definitely helps on some occasions so is worth trying if you’re looking for non-medicated options!
The sumatriptan tablets also did the same for me, I’d feel some sort of relief but nowhere near what I needed and also got quite a lot of odd side effects like tingling in my jaw and as if my body was bruised all over - I think it’s something to do with what it does to your nerves but I hated it and it worse off quite quickly. When I tried the injection I was fully expecting it to not work but after 17 weeks pregnant with a migraine almost every day, after that injection I didn’t get another for the entire pregnancy. I think that was a coincidence but even now I’ll use an injection when needed, I have a lie down as the feeling is intense but the migraine is gone within 20 minutes. 100% worth a try as are the Magnesium if you haven’t already ❤️ good luck! X
That would be amazing, if they worked so quickly. I usually end up taking 2 sumatryptan on 24 hours, but they go make you feel grotty, but better than migran e pain. I'm going to try the cap, as I find cold works better than not usually. I take magnesium. Thankyou so much, take care, hope you keep well xx
HI Mary, you are my life for the past two months! I took a lot to get me through two trips abroad in May and have suffered since but turning a slight corner. I had a migraine almost everyday, or felt drugged up or so tired.
It is said it take two months to get drugs out of your system and for your body to reset. This time stops your brain pain pathways from expecting more meds to kill off the pain. I'm 4 weeks into this process this week. But this has meant sick days off work, being sick and ill in bed for days.
I also decided to go sugar free as we need an anti inflammatory diet. I read last night that migraineurs have higher inflammation than others.
I have also taken at my specialist request, a mix of vits: Vit B2, COQ10 & mag (be careful which ones you take for mag, don't try oxide which is more prevalent in chemists).
So I'm throwing everything at it: no meds and sugar free and more vits for the past month. Also trying green light therapy (look it up), drinking more water before bed, smoothies made at home, ginger/tumeric/pepper tea (extremely anti-inflammatory).
Ive gone from migraines almost everyday to one every 10 days.
It is hard to sustain and keep up though.
Hi thankyou for your reply, it's good to know I'm not on my own, although I wouldn't wish migraine on anyone. I'm on day 7 of no meds, but it's hard and if it's 2 months then I've a long road ahead. I take magnesium and I rub ibuprofen into my neck at night, as I get a lot of neck pain. I've started drinking loads more water too. I'll check out the vitamins you suggest. It's really difficult to cope with every day life, when you've got constant pain and feel like going to bed on a dark room. I just hope it's all worth it and brings this, every day migrane, to an end. Good luck with everything you're trying, take care
I found myself needing to come off cocodamol having taken it for a long time and becoming quite reliant on it. I went to the migraine clinic in London and they put me on a programme, swap to anti inflammatories, 6 a day, 2 x 3 times a day for a week, then reduce to 5 a day for a week, then 4 a day for a week and so on until you aren’t taking any at all. Basically you wean yourself off the painkiller that is addictive and causes medication overuse headaches by using one that doesn’t cause them but without the unbearable pain of complete cold turkey. The only problem for me was that it was doing this that highlighted that I’m allergic to NSAIDs so I had to stop. Instead I did the same process using cocodamol as it was the only painkiller strong enough to cope with the pain at the beginning. It still worked though and I came off painkillers and sumatriptan.
Thankyou for your message and advice. I'm on day 8 of cold Turkey and luckily I'm able to go to bed on bad days, as I'm retired. I've survived on the odd paracetamol but will try anti inflamatries when I can't cope. I've not had a cocodamol or sumatrptan for 8 days, which is tough and a record for me. Hope you're having a good day.