Hi, does anyone get depression when using rizatriptan? If so have you successfully changed to another triptan, if so which one? Thanks
Rizatriptan : Hi, does anyone get... - National Migraine...

Rizitriptan is great. Saved my life and has no side effects!
I don't think I got depression from Rizatriptan, I was already pretty depressed with the chronic migraines themselves, amongst other things, but I moved to Zolmitriptan because it comes in a nasal form which meant I didn't vomit it up.Over the years I've tried 5 different triptans, sadly none of them worked as well as Zolmitriptan but that stopped working, I'm on Elitriptan now.
Our son is 17years old and he takes it. I see no side effects.
I take Imitrix both pill ( 100mg-higher than normal) and injection ( best thing I have ever done)
Hope that helps.
Triptans are not supposed to induce depression, actually it "should" reduce depression. However, I just checked the leaflet that comes with Rizatriptan and depression is not listed even in "rare" and "not known" section.
Migraine itself sometimes triggers depression, and there may be other factors if you are experiencing clinical depression.
I have found that I often have a depression slump after a migraine itself and yes, if I use a triptan (I’ve tried several), I get very low for 2 days or so afterward. It makes sense to me in that the serotonin is depleted with the migraine and then the triptan wears off, and crash… I am using Nurtec (not a triptan) now but I have to ration them because they’re expensive. Works better for me but not perfect.
I tried to get Nurtec from the migraine clinic I go to but they said that I couldn’t have them as they were for episodic migraine not chronic. Do you buy them yourself?
So my neurologist gave me a lot of samples and I had to try at least 2 other triptans before my insurance would approve the Nurtec (at the highest tier copay 😒). Nurtec is approved now for chronic and episodic but my insurance only covers it as abortive not preventative so I only get 6-8 a month maximum. I use it just for the bad ones (sometimes I get 5 migraines a month, other times I get 25. I never know what’s coming).
Ah I see I didn’t realise you’re in the US here in the UK we can only get them on the NHS for episodic migraine. Glad it helps you.
Nurtec ODT (Rimegepant) is not easily available in the NHS (UK), but it is certainly the most promising medicine to treat acute attack. Success rate as preventative is low but should work better than Triptans to get rid of migraine for a couple of days.