Amitryptaline side effects exhaustion, lethargy, no motivation?
Amitriptaline side effects? - National Migraine...
Amitriptaline side effects?
Hi! Personally I couldn't take amitriptyline. As well as feeling wiped out and spaced out I had horrific nightmares . I am on propranolol now and that suits me much better. It's like any meds - what suits one doesn't suit another. Take to your GP and see what else they can offer.
I've been on Amitriptyline for many years. I always take it at 8 in the evening so I'm not too tired in the morning.
Nortriptyline is better but more expensive i think so they dont tell u thatWorked fabulously for me for ten years with propranolol then stopped 😩
Amitryptaline gave me bad heart palpitations, which I didn't like, so I came off it after only a few weeks.
Yep same side effects as you've listed. Felt like a zombie and came off them after about 3 months. My GP said I'd lasted longer on Amitriptaline than he had, which was reassuring to hear.
Amitriptyline (a type of antidepressant) will definitely cause dry mouth and fatigue. Whether you will feel zombie will depend on the dose. If taken around 7pm, it becomes easier to get up in the morning. 10mg/day is usually prescribed to start with, but can be increased to 50-75mg/day. Amitriptyline can cause irregular heart rate and strange low blood pressure (slightly high diastolic and low systolic reading). Amitriptyline WILL NOT STOP headaches.
However -
Amitriptyline may reduce migraine frequency and severity.
It will help sleep and also, provide relief from IBS to many people. Both are linked to migraine in many. Most importantly, out of all the antidepressants Amitriptyline has been found to be least likely to be linked with dementia, if treatment continues over 2 years. This linkage related study changes all the time, but this is what is known at this moment of time.
So, if you can tolerate - Amitriptyline is a good medicine to start with as it has been tested on millions of people over many years without serious harm. Although during the treatment, slight memory loss and brain fog may be experienced. There are no medicines (of these type) without side effect. Other options such as Duloxetine, Gabapentin and Topiramate can cause more serious side effects in the long-term if treated for prolonged period (over two years).
Yes same side effects as you describe....I had to stop taking it. It has no effect on migraine.
Thanks for all your replies. I saw the neurologist yesterday. She changed the amitryptaline to nortryptaline on an increasing does fro 10-30 mg over 6 weeks, and increased propranolol as well. Let’s see how it goes.