Hi all, my name is Mike I'm 32 years old and I have had my cluster headache since I was 12. Fortunately I was diagnosed while I was in my first year of college by my GP in the UK. Until now I rely on sumatriptan China where this medicine is not available .My family can not send the tablets by mail as its illegal to do so and I have been looking for someone who is coming from UK to bring me the sumatriptan tablets but so far nobody has been found to bring the medicine for me. I had my last tablet yesterday just before lunch our when I had a bout.Last night was my worst night ever since I had nothing to relieve this horrible pain. The pain took about 5-6 hours at its climax it was horrible. Tonight after work I came straight home and rest on the sofa waiting for the pain with no hope of any relieving pain methods. When the cluster started I went into my freezer and took ice blocks and roll them on a face towel and put around my right eye where the pain was and both the cluster and the cold of the ice blocks were unbearable but I did not remove the ice blocks. Five minutes later ,amazingly the pain had gone. As I'm writing, my head feels very light and with a smile I want to share this . If you can try this please let others who have the cluster migraines know about this home remedy. NOTE: Even if you feel the pain of cold ice blocks, do not remove until the pain of the cluster goes...I'm waiting if it will come back tonight I will do this again. God bless you all ...!
Home remedy cluster migraines - National Migraine...
Home remedy cluster migraines

Ohhh i couldn't imagine your pain without meds 😣 .
I use ice a lot on my temples and nape of my neck, it does help.
Are there no meds for you in China?
Bless ! I hope you get some help 😣
Mikemackenzie- Here are a few things that you might want to try. The last time I was in the ERoom they used hydration (not sure how much water you drink daily) anti-vomiting meds ( sea sick meds) and caffeine and anti-inflammatory. But have you also asked about oxogyen, with a mask. Also if you have ANY neck pain I have had injections of novocain like pain relief in that area.
On the nutrition side, I have just started eating almonds as soon as I feel the first start I'd the pain ( as long as I am wake). In addition just started, peppermint oil and I put that on my wrists especially when someone has strong perfume or cologne near me it kinda blocks their smell.
Hope these techniques help. Do you have access to MaxAlt? It dissolves on your tongue, it really helped me.
Thanks for sharing this. I've had pain in my head for over four months and that has been bad enough let alone years. Hope your remedy works. The Chinese are great herbalist maybe you could see someone while you are there. Worth a try.
Good luck
I'm trying to consider Acupuncture but I have heard it also doesn't help 100 percent with Clusters since the needles do not reach the affected parts. But yes its worth a try.and the other challenge with Chinese medicine is that it takes too long to work when clusters are pretty fast which means before the Chinese medicine works it has gone already.Chinese medicine is good in a long run may be .
Hi Mike I'm really suffering again from migraine pain. I take vitamin b2 which usually helps but durung this heat wavs in the uk im getting pain again but in my neck mostly. I'm using ice straight out of the freezer on the pain site and it does relieve it. Hope you feel better soon.
Surely China sells Aspirin? Can you try taking 3 aspirin at a time ? If you find water soluble tablets it would be better. 3x300mg at a time usually works - please try and let us know. [Do not take more than 12 tablets within 24 hours]