Anyone here have experience with silent migraines? I had migraine and cluster headaches for years. Now I'm having weird symptoms, but little to no pain. Wondering about what people who have been diagnosed with silent migraines usually experience...?
Silent migraine? : Anyone here have... - National Migraine...
Silent migraine?
Hi, yes I get this regularly. Actually, I've been in and out of this particular episode almost constantly from the beginning of March. I get cluster migraines too, but this has gone on and on, with a low level of headache, but everything else full on! I've had these "silent" migraines regularly for a few years after years of excruciating headaches. Not much seems to help unfortunately. I'm on slow release propranalol daily, use Frovatriptan and Diclofenac occasionally with mixed results. It's miserable, and I sympathize.
Hi i was just officially diagnosed with migraine and occipital neuralgia by a headache specialist/neurologist
I also get strange symptoms without a headache,such as flashers of light in my eye and also pins and needles in my face plus numbness .
I was told its all from migraine even though irs not always during a headache.
Are you doing any preventive medication? With the botox for example, I still get the migraines, just don't feel the pain in the head. Every so often, way less than before anyways, I know I'm having a migraine, I get the weakness in the right side , the vomiting, can't look at the light....but no pain, or very light pain, meaning half an hour sleep and paracetamol gets rid of it.