Does anyone have any experience of these headaches which only respond to indometacin?
Indometacin responsive headaches - National Migraine...
Indometacin responsive headaches
Yes I have, what would you like to know?
I got diagnosed with cluster headaches initially in sept last year and was given verapamil & indometacin which quickly got the headaches under control. However the more research I’ve done on cluster headaches I’m pretty sure I don’t have them as my symptoms are more like indometacin responsive headaches. Every time I try to stop taking indometacin the headaches return regardless of the dosage of verapamil I am taking. I asked my GP to write to the neurologist for clarification & his response wasn’t very helpful - he just said these type of headaches are difficult to diagnose but they did sound more like indometacin responsive. Anyway I’m worried I’ll never be able to stop taking them. I’m managing on a low dose of 25mg a day of indometacin and 360mg of verapamil (which I probably don’t even need!) but I’m in my early 30’s so I’m worried about long term use.
Have you been able to stop taking the medication? Can you tell me about your experience?
Many thanks
Hi i have hemicranial continua which is supposed to be 100% responsive to Indometacin which i tried for 15 days on increasing doses! It was not complete relief but did reduce them although inconsistent! Anyway my neurologist has started me on another drug lamotrigine now but i can use indometcin as a rescue drug for a few days if its really bad to give me some relief! I also have to take the stomach tablet when i take indometcin too! It really does help me but does not get rid of it totally👍 hope this helps xx