Hello Everyone
Had anyone ever experienced feeling really ill - to the point you wonder if you're getting flu - as an early migraine symptom?
Yesterday I started to feel pretty ill in the afternoon : hot flush feeling, feeling of not being in my body, sore head, dizzy, body aches, really pale, nausea. Had couple of very brief chest pains this morning. Migraine symptoms started arriving around afternoon time today. I took a sumatriptan around tea time and it's helped with pretty much all the afore mentioned symptoms, although I feel really wiped out now.
I'm used to migraines, having had them for the past 8 or so years due to severe endometriosis. I take sumatriptan for them.
But this is the first time I've felt so ill before a migraine. I have been under a lot of intense stress recently due to a bereavement, maybe this has exacerbated things? Thank you very much for any help or advice.