I have been a migraine suffer for almost my entire life. (They started when I was 6) have tried many things. After my hysterectomy I didn't get headaches for several months. Thought my headaches and migraines were gone. Well then they started up again. They are almost as bad as ever. I am hoping that I can figure it out eventually.
Trying to figure it out: I have been a... - National Migraine...
Trying to figure it out
Hi, when I saw my neurologist he told me that migraine can go one of two ways when going through the menopause. They can either get worse or disappear completely. Did your hysterectomy send you straight to menopause? Mine got worse several years after the menopause and he isn't sure why. I am now on daily medication and this seems to be working. Hope you find something that can help you.
Neurologists are mostly useless treating migraines. I remember many years ago I saw a neurologist who ordered a CT Scan and after seeing the result, he said, he has figured it out what is the cause and he prescribed me a medicine - do you want to know what medicine it was? It was Ginkgo biloba - I was only 14 year old and did not know much about medicines and took it for 2-3 months hoping I will be better - obviously with no impact in the end. Then there were others... so, it is probably best for @Mamaccabe to contact National Migraine Centre for help.
Hi Mamaccabe. Did you have a total hysterectomy which includes the ovaries. I like you started migraines at the age of five or six. It may have been earlier I can't remember. I had just the womb taken at the age of 32. I then had my ovaries taken out at about the age of 33. I then went on to HRTtreatment and was on it for twenty something years. By then I was having awful full blown migraines. I came off the HRT as my Doctor thought this was what was causing my migraines. I have been much better ever since. I still get headaches and I have now developed aura migraines without pain. I do take Clonidine Hydrochloride as a preventative and I have Normacol if I get a bad headache. Ordinary pain killers don't touch it.
I was well through the menopause when my Hemicrania Continua started. Back to severe hot flushes where sometime I feel I'm going instantanuasly combust. I'm 64 my hormones should be finished with 😣