HI there,
Just wanted to a make a point of meds overuse from a lovely consultant I saw two weeks ago.
You may already know, but just in case (after ten years of migraines I never knew).
She said med overuse is about the days you take not the dose.
So, if you take a tablet on day one and then it lingers and you don't want to take another, but get to the next day still feeling awful, you the decide to take another ( I have done this myself in fear of taking too many all at once). The headache may come and go or linger, but there is a chance is may come back the next day and so you take another tablet.
What the consultant is saying is that you should strike while the iron is hot and kill the headache in the first instance there and then, despite the large volume of meds you may take for it. She said to take three soluble aspirin with ordinary coke to try to kill off the headache (I already knew this and sometimes it works and sometimes not). Then if after 40 mins it hasn't died off, take a triptan. And another in two hours if still lingering.
That, she is saying, is not medication overuse. But taking meds over a certain number of days is.
So always try to kill of the headache with as much as you can throw at it in the first instance.
I think I have suffered in the past with meds overuse and see a lot of comments on here about it so wanted to pass the info on.
Happy to hear your thoughts if you think otherwise!