Hi, I have been suffering severe headaches for a number of years (approx 10 years), but they have always been infrequent (several times a year). However, for the last 6 months or so, I have been suffering from migraines on a weekly (sometimes 2-3 times a week) basis.
Usually, I get migraine when my eyes need testing but I had them done just a couple of months ago. After they first started to become more frequent. I returned to the opticians convinced my prescription was wrong but after another 2 tests I now know this is not the case.
I was just wondering if anyone could offer any advice, really. I'm fed up of receiving "it's just a headache" from people and have changed GP as I was not taken seriously before. I have an appointment tomorrow with my new doctor and a bit of knowledge from people who are suffering similarly will help.
I appreciate any replies.
Thank you.