Can you use botox and Occipital Nerve... - National Migraine...
Can you use botox and Occipital Nerve Block together?
Yes, I had both in the pain clinic at the same time (admittedly for face pain & headaches but I also get migraines). The doctor said the only problem with doing both at the same appointment was that we wouldn't know which had been the most effective, as I'd not had either done separately before.
I didn't think the nerve block helped much, although I have continued to have botox which does help.
I have to say I felt horrible within half an hour of having both done together, but I am not very good with nerve blocks anyway, they usually give me lots of extra pain temporarily (I was warned this might happen) and a migraine. But it might have been a coincidence as sometimes when I have the botox I'm fine later, other times not. Take some good painkillers with you to the appointment and make sure someone drives you home.