Hi All
I’m new here. I just interested if my symptoms strike a cord with anyone and would be really grateful for any information.
I do have a complicated medical health history. Auto immune diseases that overlap. I have CNS inflammation and have had micro bleeds in the brain but no real explanation for the symptoms I suffer almost everytime I work/concentrate.
A couple of years ago I woke up one morning just feeling odd and unbelievably tired. I work at home and tried to work but it was as if I’d forgotten how to do my job, I couldn’t even write a short email and get the words in the right order. I went to bed and my face on the left side went numb, I had had this before due to peripheral neuropathy, so wasn’t hugely worried at first. This continued for a few days so I went to A and E and had a CT scan that was normal. I couldn’t work for about 8 weeks, keep forgetting things, mixing up things from the past with present day. Getting my words in the wrong order when I spoke. It was like I’d suddenly developed dementia.
Things improved after a couple of months. When I got back to work, everytime I worked within about 30 mins my face on the left went numb. Also this happens when I drive at night. Even since then I’ve developed a habit of missing out words when I type. After a while of concentrating, I do feel almost drunk and start getting forgetful . I’m not sure if this is concentration or lighting that is the trigger for this. I do also sometimes wake up with face numbness if I’ve been dreaming alot.
Its been blamed on my auto immune issues but a doctor I spoke to recently suggested I read up about hemiplegic migraine. It does seem a possibility, especially as I read that after a stressful event when that’s over it can then be triggered. When it started I was on the cancer pathway for investigations and the day before this first episode had had some very invasive tests and was told nothing was found so was feeling huge relief , like a weight was off my shoulders.
I’d be so interested if anyone can relate to this.