Hello - I'm new here.
I've had migraine for longer than I thought. I always thought I just had severe headaches with sickness until my grandmother diagnosed me as she had suffered migraines for many years.
How do other women deal with menstrually related migraine?
I was trying to do some work on my laptop yesterday and I couldn't concentrate on the screen; I thought it was odd. Picked my twins up from nursery in the morning and preparing pancakes, and started to feel irritable and nauseous. Went to sit down on the sofa and fell into a nap when the migraine started up big time. I've never had visual disturbances with my migraines, it was horrible. I went to lie down as my partner was at home. I took 50 mg of sumatriptan. It helped as I could feel the pain and throbbing going and my head coming back to my skull, it feels like it is above me. It also eased the nausea.
My other question is - should I tell my Gp about the visual disturbance as I've never had it before?
Many thanks.