In the past couple of weeks; my migraines have been so severe, I have been unable to attend work. Last week my manager sent me home, as she is very concerned about me and didn't think I was ready to return in my "return to work interview". I visited the doctors on Friday, and I have been signed off work for a minimum of 1 month with chronic migraines, depression and anxiety.
This week I have been weaning off Sertraline in preparation to start Duloxetine. My consultant that I see for my chronic migraines said it can be known to help those with the combination of depression and migraines. If you take Duloxetine - what has your experience with it been like?
Furthermore, I haven't had a repeat CT scan in over 2 years (pre-diagnosis!) and find myself constantly overthinking what could be at the root of this insufferable pain I am experiencing EVERY DAY. Therefore, after much deliberation, I have finally been referred for an urgent CT scan. Also following my first Botox injection and weaning off Topiramate, my consultant said he would next see me in 6 months time. Following the phone call regarding the CT scan and my current state (chronic migraines and depression), he has invited me for a consultation next week.
I am at my wits end now & honestly don't know what else I can do to help manage this HORRIFIC pain. Any suggestions are welcome - previous treatment list is huge and none have been helpful or beneficial.