I used to get chronic migraines since childhood. Like, three medications to keep under control type. In my twenties I underwent a full hysterectomy and found out I had celiac and went gluten-free. After that they stopped. This last year they have come back with bad. I have been diagnosed with vestibular migraines and they present different too. My right side of my face, head, jaw, and ear are in tremendous pain. Lately I have noticed I have a hard time staying awake too. I will be fine then all of the sudden fall asleep randomly. No matter what I am doing. It is the worst if I am driving through shaded areas with light coming through. Does anyone else have these random symptoms/triggers? I was put back on Topomax. It helps a bit but causes a lot of kidney stones.
unusual symptoms: I used to get chronic... - Migraine Support
unusual symptoms
I found topamax caused so much rebound tiredness that it interfered in my daily life. There are newer meds out there that are better. I personally take emgality injections monthly and I was using ubrevley which works great for me. But since it works the same way as emgality my insurance won’t cover it. I was placed on imitrex for break thru and it worked ok. I just got thru a 6 day cluster migraine using imitrex. That was my longest running migraine. Usually they don’t last longer than 3 days. It’s just seeing what your insurance covers. Excedrin migraine works well when you catch it early. And when you mix it with your prescription medication.
I have never heard of emgality before. I used to take imitrex regularly as well as maxalt. Lately I have noticed if I take Excedrin migraine I will throw up. Not sure if it has anything to do with the migraines or something else. I do have a head MRI coming up next month, but I am just trying to get to that point. I also found my tramadol helps a little. But between that and the topomax it diminishes my appetite almost completely.