The Beginning of Self-Care ❤️ - Mental Health Sup...

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The Beginning of Self-Care ❤️

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Learning to be patient and gentle with myself ... for some reason the hardest part of my day is getting out of bed ! But positively speaking...things will change in due time. 🙆🏾‍♀️

I hope everyone is doing well today !

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Small steps make big Leaps ! I have done next to nothing the whole day! My Friends the Parrots have been very playful today Bluey trying to stuff Monkey nuts in my ear! Mikey got annoyed as I was laying on my other ear . Rosebud decided she would bite my toes, So I had to get up (was still trying to sleep) anyway I fed and watered them put their bath out with their table tennis ball to see if they were going to play football? But nope no chance, I went for a shower and didn't close the door ,end up with three Parrots having a Shower and me waiting for them to get bored so that I could shower. Had my shower just wore my scruffy clothes then had to go and dry the Parrots with the hair dryer on low heat but with a high blow. Sat down thinking I would try to snooze Mikey comes over with Bluey and both decided at the same time to pop on me,Soooooo back in the shower then clean shirt on .My life seems to be ran by three Parrots

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