7.5mg how many can I take I know it s... - Mental Health Sup...

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7.5mg how many can I take I know it says one a night but there's not making me sleep! I've had 2 and am still wake

Mummy-of-an-angel14 profile image

I've got some circridin there adhd night relaxes can I take them with the Zopiclone

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8 Replies

Hi mum. A tired body needs rest. If I cant sleep I just walk from my back door to the front door and return until i'm stuffed. Works for me EVERY time. Cheers.

G. xx

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Mummy-of-an-angel14 in reply to

I take a walk every night and at first it was helping but now I could walk for hours and just not ever wanna return home 🙈 x


If your medication is not working talk to your GP


Mummy-of-an-angel14 profile image
Mummy-of-an-angel14 in reply to

I've spoke with them and they upped my dosage but still doing nothing for me.. I've been taken 2 7.5mgs of a night am only suppose to take one but its still not working x

fibrofran profile image
fibrofran in reply to Mummy-of-an-angel14

What other sleeping medications have you tried? Zopiclone didn't work for me neither buy they can take a few days to work unfortunately like diazapam (wich zopiclone is a cheaper version of) diazapam didn't work with me neither with a starting dose of 15mg. Iv had insomnia for over 10 years and since the diagnosis of fibro and ME it's alot worse. The 'pick n mix' of meds I take to sleep do not allways work and when I brought this up with my GP he said tour fibro and ME change everyday so the medications won't allways have the same desired effect. Now with fibro being a illness that plays havoc with our neurotransmitters we need these (I think it's the neurotransmitters) to absorb the different kinds of medications. We cannot absorb the required amount of any opioid drug to have the desired effect and this is the reason why opiate medications are last on the pain relief list, so using this kind of medication isn't going to be the best choice to get your sleep pattern back, the body cannot release enough "opiate neurotransmitter" to absorb the adequate amount of the drug to have any effect. I did try a high dose of temazepam and it just paralysed me rather then send me off to sleep. So we tried phenergan a antihistamine also used for travel sickness and they worked a treat! No awful side effects like the other and you can take for longer periods of time. I can't remember how long I was on them.but I was prescribed amitryptiline for pain and it helps aid sleep so I was swapped. I found amitryptiline worked faster and we're stronger. But of you take them to late they can cause a hangover feel side effect I personally can't remember that feeling but I know plenty who did. So unfortunately my meds were increasing and I was taking ne so my amitryptiline was reduced but with the combination of 300 mg of lyrica in the night it worked well until my symptoms got worse and worse I refused any benzodiazepeines as they did not work, and with the amount of titrating with meds it was likely I would have some unwanted side effects so as a last hope for sleep I was given mirtazipine. I had tried this before and it didn't work but I hadn't tried it with the meds I was taking. I am monitored as mirtazipine and amitryptiline are not to be used together unless it's needed their like the last two meds Dr's will prescribe you together iv had some odd looks and concerning conversations with different GP's and pharmacists about why am I taking them.both and who authorised it. But they are at a low dose and are taken at different stages in the night most night not that I have to but I don't get the side effects when taken further Appart. First night of this cocktail I was sceptical and cocky, they didn't work.before at the highest dose what are 15mg going to do excuse the language but I shit you not I was asleep within 15 minutes. Next night I halfed them wich was fine as they with other meds are strong so I can take either 7.5 or 15 depending on pain stress the norm. And because they are a antidepressant their isn't a length of time you are restricted to as such. Their are a few drowsy causing antihistamines and nytol or similar that is sold from a pharmacist (behind the counter ) Andy cousin uses this for bouts of night pain and insomnia. Anything is worth a try hope this helps I will say they won't work every time maybe 3 times a week at most the may take longer to work or put you in a lighter sleep than they normally would. That's one of the main reasons I like these as you don'tgo.into a comatose type state and able to sleep through a tornado of a thousand howling wolves whilst being hit in the face by Frank Bruno, being a mum I need the ability to wake up with normal toddler (now a 5 year old ) noises and have a clear head none of the foggy am I dreaming or is really real kind of consciousness. If your unable to sleep tonight do a bit of research so.you have more of an idea :) xx

fibrofran profile image
fibrofran in reply to fibrofran

My phone cannot deal with long typing and makes up.words or just doesn't type words making it hard to understand. I meant to say iv got fibro and ME aswel as depression and depression is also about the neurotransmitters so using a sleeping drug that needs these to work in any way shape or form may not be the best choice. I hope it makes a bit more sense now :) xx

fibrofran profile image
fibrofran in reply to fibrofran

It works wonders with anxiety aswel. Wich my cousin suffers horrendously with aswel. My phone does not want to talk mental health tonight and seems that I'm coming up to my 29th hour of being awake I'm not fully registering the mistakes lol. Mental. Dysfunction.due to lack.of sleep is the worst for everything but keeping you awake all night thoughts that won't go away. And waffling their good are going on and on and on about nothing just waffling complete nothingness. I'll go now :/ good luck x

Hello give them time it can take a while for then to get working properly


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