All coming over me.
Can't shake it off. Might try and do some excercise and see if that helps
All coming over me.
Can't shake it off. Might try and do some excercise and see if that helps
Good on you trying to not take meds. Hope it works for you. If not you will need to go back on them. Not everything can be controlled by the mind. If it could there would be no need for meds x
There's so much wrong with this post, I don't even know how to begin to answer it. You're feeling depressed and anxious, yet you've stopped taking your meds? Why would you do that? Why did you start taking them in the first place? I think you've answered your own question here. If there was a question?
Hi Lucy
I started taking them because a divorce and custody battle triggered my depression and anxiety
I tried to take my life after losing my kids
Then it's taken me the last year to ACCEPT SOMETHING I CANNOT CHANGE
Now I'm trying without these meds
not sure if you have visitation rights to the children, but to be honest if you do "do something again" you may be creating more difficulties there... I don't have your background, but for me getting the hormones right has worked just as well as the anti-depressant.. I don't know if the previous meds worked for you, or if the side effects were bad, If you want a natural approach, I have read that fish oils and calcium both have been proven to help, Worth doing some research for yourself, as no point wasting money on expensive herbal placebos that do diddly-squat.
Exercise can be great to get me in the right zone, but feeling well is like creating a recipe, it takes a bit of everything to create a cake, and just one approach won't work using a mixture is better than just trying to bake a cake with Only butter or Only flour or Only sugar or Only vanilla.......
Good luck. trying without meds is good, but its a BIG ask of your brain (which has failed to do it at least once before). There is something out there that might just help you do it though. Look up Mindful Living or ask at your GPs about it. Good Luck Trisha.