Does any1 else find that they won't g... - Mental Health Sup...

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Does any1 else find that they won't go out with friends etc or avoid things because of their depression ?

Janet2014 profile image
18 Replies
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Janet2014 profile image
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18 Replies
Suzie40 profile image

Yes, absolutely. I go weeks or even months without seeing friends sometimes. It just seems like the most enormous effort in the world, just to sit and make small talk for a couple of hours. When I'm not feeling low, I'm quite the opposite and I make the most of every opportunity. The joys of depression! X

Jeffju profile image

It doesn't really stop me meeting friends but does limit the places where I am willing to meet them.

I avoid going to he supermarket when it is too busy as I don't like to see too many people.

\So, yes it does limit me to thingsI do. It was a lot worse though last year.

So I have made some progress. Julie xx

duncan1971 profile image

Yes I find this is the case with me I wanted to see my niece and godson but I didn't want to go because I've been so low really wish this depression would give a me a break sometimes

tndrheart2009 profile image

Yes very much. It's a chore to get going muchless be around people. When I do feel this way I force myself to go.... it's something I must do for myself and to hold onto my sanity. Hugs.

Annie55406 profile image

Oh yes, this is a common symptom for those of us who have clinical depression. You are NOT alone in feeling this way. It is easier said than done to try and get out of the house and be amongst people, but it is crucial to do that. Try very hard not to skip or bow out of your regular activities. It is hard to imagine it now, but getting out and about with people WILL make you feel some better because it makes you 'forget yourself'.

It makes you focus on something else besides how crappy you feel inside.

Please try it, and then come back to this group to tell us how it went.

Remember, WE CARE and we understand.

Your friend,

Annie55406. XOX


This seems to be part of the territory, sometimes for me it is difficult to go outside in the garden even though we have good neighbours and I can hide myself from prying eyes. amongst the outbuildings or in the shed.

It is one thing to be depressed although insuler as well really gets to me sometimes

All the best


sarahjay profile image

yeahh me too i live in a house with 3 other girls and sometimes even just sitting in the lounge with difficult. they dont seem to understand what having depression is like! its not like i can just 'snap out of it' xx

dnd149 profile image

Hey Janet,

I do feel like this at times, sometimes i'm too scared to leave my bedroom. My bedroom is my security, this has always been my case since i was a young kid. Nothing will happen in my bedroom. (Understand to others might not be like that and its not always the case).

I have been asked to go away for the weekend to Newcastle this weekend coming... ? Do i want to go? Yes, Am i scared? Petrified. Am I going ? Yes because i am forcing myself.

Everyone deals with depression differently there is no right or wrong way to deal with how you feel. I will advise talking from experience try and not isolate yourself it makes you worse. Or if you do pop on here let out how you are feeling. Since last week my life has taken another battering but im still here. And when i logged on to check my replies im overwhelmed.

You are not alone, i thought i was, but i found others here, on healthunlocked.

David x

tammy71 profile image

I only go out if i really have to. I need someone with me as i become very scared that i meet people then anxiety starts. I get panic attacks my word come out the wrong way round and end up going away in tears my life is so out of control i feel like just putting a end to it have tried this many times and all ways feel so bad for my son as he is only 23 and his father killed himself. Life is hard i wish i could just stop my head from going round and round like broken bottles inside. I need real help

emmpea profile image
emmpea in reply to tammy71

Hi Tammy. I fully understand what you feel . I too never go out alone, I feel like i live in a parrallel universe to other people with glass walls whereby I can see people living normal lives but mine isnt. I suffer terrible panic and havent been into town for 13 years. I have 2 daughters, the youngest one has never really known me as a normal mum, just the mum who suffers depression and cant go out with her, its really sickening. Please dont think you are alone with your illness, because you arent, you can message me if you want anytime. My husband also attempted suicide, thankfully it wasnt successful, but living with the remnants of this is also hard. Please take care, who knows maybe we are the norm and others are on catchup!

Kind regards Emm

coatpin profile image

Yes the whole world! Im going to do cbt and see if it helps! I have been doing it for 30 years,,, dont let your life slip you by like mine has,,,, your home becomes a safe place,,, then your prison :(

Holly101 profile image

Ow definitely... I just lock myself away, don't answer phones or doors and don't wanna speak to no-one

and do nothing...

doesn't make matters any better but I suppose that's just the nature of the beast..

For me anyway!

Love, Holly xxx

Neverenoughsparkle profile image

I have found that my depression has left me very lonely. My friends gave up on me a few years ago. I'd have to force myself to go out which felt wrong. I'd either go out and be hyper or stay in and avoid people. I'm good at putting on a facade. I hate that I'm so lonely but don't know where to start.

vickyrubbish profile image

still fighting depression with every ounce of my being.

body and mind wants to hide away, but know I have to go out and talk to people

am currently doing ironing to get ready to pack for a trip home to see family and friends - will do it as have too but such a struggle and fear i will be rubbish company. put on the 'happy' face its so false and so hard to do now, but fear if show the real me everyone will run to the hills to get away from the bitch

this is now way to live

sjr1965 profile image

hi all,i have only just joined this "chat". I have suffered depression for 20+ years and to be honest it seems to be getting worse than better. i have just been prescribed mirtazapine,day 4 now,and feel crap,dizzy head,sickly etc. I asked to be referred last year to a mental health organisation but I have an abusuve partner and just found out that he hid my referall letter.been to docs and he has done another referal for me. looking forward to that! i also go weeks and don't see or see freinds,my choice as I have been told i am a useless waste of space and why would people want to spend time with me(partner said this)

FallenAngel profile image

I find it hard to meet friends because they have such normal positive lives and I feel kind of jealous , not right I know . They want to talk about normal things , nothing in my life is normal so how do I keep up ..

me i am like that so stoped going out other people dont understand or just dont want to get involved with freinds with deppresion especly when in pubs and that i am a bit better with socializing but thats only down to my meds i think take care from david

I find I change from day to day depending on how I feel, yes I can stay away from friends and just want to stay home and lock out the world other times I can mix easily, my biggest problem is I don't like crowds and if I do go to a friends if more than one or two people are there I feel uncomfortable

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