Anyone here who was uncircumcised and was circumcised regret it or recommend not to do it?
To circumcise or not: Anyone here who... - Men's Health Foru...
To circumcise or not

My advice would be to only get it done for medical reasons not for cosmetic purposes.
It is a very stressful process and I personally would not have had it done if I hadn’t needed to. If your penis is working fine and you don’t have any problems stay the way you are “ my opinion “.
I would fully agree with worriedman. I had it done 10 October and it's been an horrendous few weeks.. Still not right yet. It will improve, but I'm not certain knowing what I know now, that i would get it done again.
You'll get a spectrum of opinion, but for me.. never again (nkt that I have a choice now! Lol)

l had mild tight foreskin, i would with lotion, pull foreskin back off penis for thirty minutes, pull it back up for thirty minutes(while at work,truck driver/), constantly when ever possible. in several weeks i was able to get erect and pull skin off of gland whenever i was erect. i still ull it back several times a day,showering or just sitting around. saved me from getting circumcision, at 37 yrs.. old, now 72 and still active, thanks for reading, hope this helpful, USA.
My advice…. Never read such rubbish, no need whatsoever to remove foreskin unless medical reasons, and definitely not better intense orgasm, that is not true
I have done due to phimosis, and I totally love my new dick no regrets at all. Even have gain some length also, and looks awesome..
I’m no activist, just think it’s very inappropriate and definitely not true that you have to have foreskin removed to have better intense organisms that’s just YOUR opinion, stop stating it’s better to be removed when it is not SIR !!
got it done as an adult , best thing i have ever done Love it
Done as an adult. Mild phomosis. I love my circumcision and sorry I didn't do it as a younger guy. Women appreciate it.
Worried Man 57 I had mine done through necessity bad phomosis, it started mild and rapidly progressed.I read all the horror stories on line and did not want it done.
But with no choice I proceeded.
It was a walk in the park on pain very little discomfort and I was right as rain in 10 days.
Don't bank on the 10 days as I have always been a very fast healer.
But like the others above-mentioned even busha, the best thing I have done I agree with every comment even to the extent that I should have got it done years ago.
And yes your partner feels the difference.
So stop worrying if it needs done go for it.
In the same boat here, 39 and doc tells me I need to do it because of phimosis and i might get cancer if not circumcised… Have read there are twenty thousand nerve endings in the foreskin so there must be a reduction in sensation?
It’s crazy because as the consultant was arranging my procedure he told me the previous patient he circumcised came back a year later and started shouting at him because of complications, didn't exactly fill me with confidence in making an on the spot decision..
I wouldn't recommend circumcision for cosmetic reasons only. There is too much risk. I had to have mine done because of Phimosis last June. Now, I am on my third round of infection including a four day stay in the hospital. I am left with a not so pretty scared-up penis. The surgery was pain-free, but that was the only good part of my experience.
May I ask, given your username, if you are in fact a diabetic? It’s looking like my husband will need circumcision soon, but as a diabetic in his late 60s, I’m genuinely concerned about healing issues…but he’s had Balanitis on and off for 3 years now and it’s a daily discomfort. Any sage advice please?
I was cut almost 2 years ago due to Phimosis. I do not regret it at all. Yes it was uncomfortable for a few weeks, but definitely worth it.
Cannot answer your actual question - my situation is the opposite. I could have had a circumcision years ago but opted not to. A bit late now as I am 70 but on balance think I would have benefited from the op.
It’s never too late, if you’re foreskin is giving you bother get the op, 70 isn’t that old and it will get you back in working order and give your love sausage a new lease of life.
If you need it medically go ahead, if you want it go ahead. You'll lose sensitivity but last longer and as we all know the longer it takes to build up an orgasm the better it will be. Will also please your partner. However, don't get it done because someone else wants you to or if you're in two minds.
Think you need to read your comments back, absolutely shocking advice !
Is your potential circumcision by just preference or medically related ? I ask because mine was medically necessary but I put it off for a very long time burying my head in the sand. I’m now at day 18 after surgery and whilst I am very tender and still struggle being clothed in that area I manage with padding . My point is if it were not a necessity for me would I regret it ? I actually think no and whilst i’m undergoing the discomfort I still believe the outcome is worth the short term inconvenience.

This is a valuable discussion that is getting needlessly abusive. I've deleted some comments. I will restrict individuals if it continues. A reminder of our guidelines for this Forum:
By posting to this forum about circumcision (yours or anyone else’s), you accept the following:
- many circumcisions in the world today are not medical necessary
- some circumcisions (and health professionals disagree about how many) may be medically necessary
- nobody should be circumcised without their consent.
This is not a place for promoting circumcision generally, for fetishising it or indeed for blanket opposition to it. If you can’t accept that, please don’t post. You may be restricted without further warning.
like your responce, very good, people on here atr looking for help and to make a good decision for them,
Sadly many men will not get help here, as you have two very dividing opinions, those that promote circumcision and those that don’t.
All you are going to get is my view is correct and yours is wrong. On the whole the worse ones are the intactivists who scare men into not doing it at all for whatever reason, this leads to men to not get anything done and suffer years of problems. (See the many posts on found on this forum).
When a man has made the decision to have circumcision, one should not try and convince him otherwise, he has often made the decision based on the available medical evidence, here in the UK a doctor on the NHS will not give circumcision an option unless it is absolutely necessary.
Before twenty days ago I was circumcised, and I can say that I do not regret having done it. it is much easier to maintain hygiene.If smarter and educated people recommended that one should be circumcised, where did some have the right to think that it is not necessary? one should always look at the advantages of health rather than the advantage of someone's hollow opinions.
it is true that there will be some pain after the circumcision, but it is nothing terrible. Also, for a different feeling, I cannot claim that it exists because I have never had sex with a woman, not even before I was circumcised and not even now after circumcision.
it is possible that there is a different sensation, but keep in mind that a part of the skin with many veins and tiny capillaries is removed. Isn't the main goal of a man to cum during sex?
My opinion is that it should be circumcised. and should not prevent any man who wishes to do so.