Do you think the cut style you go for is really that big a deal ? Is it going to have a big effect on how things feel , or is it just really about cosmetic preference ?
Cut styles: Do you think the cut style... - Men's Health Foru...
Cut styles

Why would you want to have it cut off just to make you think it looks nice it's there for a purpose and if you did you would desensitize it which is what you don't want it's all to do with sensation which gives you the most pleasure and that's the best thing ever so think about it
As to why someone might want to be circumcised as an adult (i was circ 2 minths ago at 39) their is a whole myriad of reasons from the way it looks, to fit in with peers, to sensation, to psychological, to cleanliness, to reduce risk of std, to quality of life, to many medical reasons etc. And u don't have to agree with all or any of them. But remember it isn't ur choice to make its ours, those of us who chose to as adults. And again u don't have to agree with it and that is ur choice. And sites like this are perfect for being able to weigh the pros and cons. Believe me chopping part of ur dick off is not a decision u make spontaneously. All of us that have chosen to do so have weighed the pros and cons for weeks months years even decades and theirs not too many resources out there on this subject. I wish I had found this site prior to mine. I found this site like 3 days after my circ. And I had done vast amount of research for years! I didn't know their was different styles of circ til after I got mine done. I wish I had got high and tight but i got low and tight. I literally had to google different types if circ. But so far I'm happy. And I got mine for medical reasons. My foreskin had grown too tight and would not cover the head even when flaccid. And any sexual activity would cause 2-5 days of irritation/inflammation, even 2 min of masturbating! And it was progressively getting worse. So what kind of sex life is that? Separate of that I had always wish I had been circ. But never cared enough to spend the money or go through the procedure. But once I actually had a need for it I didn't hesitate. So far no sensitivity loss but my head hadnt been covered in years anyways due to the tightening foreskin.
Good info mate.cheers for that.had yours retracted right back over the head easily when erect before ? How was it just before you went ahead with the circ ? Mines always been able to get back even erect but defo not as comfortable as I'd like.When wanking I was always careful n would work it back gently if retracting over tye head.I used to always wank without exposing the glans.Im not sure if this was right.Id never given thought to the frenulum but some said that looks a bit tight.Could explain sharp pains I've felt at times.
So mine used to be normal in the sense that I could easily retract or cover my head with my foreskin. But since I always wished I was cut I got into the habit of "wearing" my foreskin with my head fully exposed (while flaccid or hard). So my entire foreskin would be folded over itself on my shaft just below my head. And u really couldn't tell I was uncut. And I did this for years and I guess over the years/decades my foreskin began to shrink since it no longer/ rarely covered mY head anymore. So mine was like a reverse phimosis. I had no problem retracting my foreskin. But I could no longer cover my head with my foreskin and as time went on my foreskin covered less and less of my head (when trying to return it to its natural position of covering my head) when erect it would only cover about 20-30% of my head and that's if u made it, forced it. But it would instantly retract if I wasn't holding it in place. And it didn't look or feel tight. But it didn't start causing me issues until 1-1.5 yr ago. Sometimes my foreskin would get irritated/ inflamed after sexual activity (nothing specific, but it would happen from masturbation, sex, oral sex). Once inflamed it would stay inflamed for 2-5days. Sometimes even from just 2 min of masturbating. And the frequency that it would get irritated was significantly increasing, i tried different creams and they did help but did not solve the core issue. They would just speed the healing time. Before I was circ I would get inflamed about 80% of the time after sexual activity. I never had sharp pains. But after circ dr did say my foreskin was tight and frenulum was very tight. But again it never looked or felt tight to me. I only knew something wasn't right bcuz of the constant irritation/ inflammation. At first I thought it was a yeast infection. Bcuz I first went to planned parenthood and that's what they told me and then went to a reg dr, sent to urologist and by then the inflammation was cleared up and i told him everything and he said ut may ir may not have been a yeast infection but that my foreskin and frenulum were definitely tigh and inflammation was likely due to firction of the foreskin unnaturally since foreskin was no longer able to sit where it's supposed to be.
If you did that while flaccid.What kept it back without moving out of place n forward again ?
The head kept it in place. And just like the foreskin folds in over itself at the tip of the head mine did that on my shaft just below my head. And initially I could "wear" it normal or on my shaft to make it look like I was circ bcuz head was fully exposed erect or flaccid but after years of this I believe ut shrank my foreskin since the head is thicker than the shaft and most of the time I didn't have it covering the head. So in the last 1-1.5 yr it would only cover 20-30% of my head when erect but would retract on its own
Sadly though, there are people who are dead against circumcision, even if it is your choice. Here in the UK you are treated like pariah if you are circumcised. Some people even think you are not a real man because you don’t have a foreskin. They will not listen or don’t understand why you want it done.
You should not have to justify yourself to anyone.
Pariah ? Why not a real man ? Have you had it done mate n how's before n after compare for you ?
True but at the sane time I don't care about what other ppl say or think when it comes to decisions I have made for myself
So do you have zero regrets ? You would advise not to be worried or concerned about going for it ?
Im 39 I was cut 10/21/22. So completely healed and functional and have successfully used it a few times with no issues. still learning what I like with my new "penis" since sensations and functions are a bit different. For me their gas been no noticeable sensitivity loss. But I had I guess what u might call the reverse of phimosis since my head was always exposed Hard or flaccid. And when hard could probly only cover 20-30% of my head if i tried. But foreskin would almost instantly retract . No regrets so far. My biggest advice would be research different cut styles and discuss them with urologist even showing them pics and diagrams of what u want and don't want. I didn't even know their was dif styles til after i was cut. I assumed their was 1 style - high and tight. I would've preferred high and tight, I got low and tight. 2nd biggest thing would be to research urologist performing ur op and make sure he has good reviews and does good work. Currently I still have some minor bumps from the stitches which dr said will smooth out over time and I hope they do. Nothing major but I hope they do smooth out! Apparently it's keloid (maybe?) Scar tissue. And ya don't be worried!! Doesn't hurt at all!! U literally feel more and it hurts more to get a filling (cavity) done at the dentist!! And cavities don't hurt at all. Just communicate with Dr as I did need an extra shot. But ya didn't hurt at all. And even tho getting a cavity filled at dentist hurts more (again cavities dont hurt at all) it is a lot more terrifying. Lol. But literally didn't hurt at all. So don't be worried. Msg me if u have anymore questions.
I wouldn't do it just too make it look nicer mate.I feel mine is a bit tight and that's causing psychological effect.
If you are a grower, it's better to have a "loose" cut. I'm a grower and I can tell my surgeon underestimated my size. If I had a bit more skin, I could have about another 0.25" of erect length back. When circumcisions are done very "tight", you can inhibit your penis from being erect to its full potential.
I know the feeling you've lost a few inches. I revised my circumcision three times, firstly because the foreskin was still partially closed, secondly because of aesthetics, and thirdly the circumcision was tight, indeed because of a personal request even though the size was shortened, but I am satisfied. lol.
No sure what you mean at tye end by 0.25 ? What you mean by inhibit from being erect to full potential ?
The surgeon can take off too much skin and "bury" your penis, making it shorter. You will see on this forum many men have had surgeons who took off too much skin, not allowing their penis to fully erect as before. A circumcision is not just cutting the foreskin off and then allowing it to heal; the penis has to be stitched afterward. If your surgeon takes off a lot of skin and not leaving on enough, you can be in a situation where your penis is hard, but it is limited to the amount of skin that still remains on your shaft. A very tight circumcision means your skin will not be loose enough to stretch to accomodate the length of your erect penis, so a part of it gets buried within your groin.
When you are circumcised, make sure for what purpose, if it is for health, any style can be chosen personally or by your surgeon, and if it is for aesthetics, you must consult further to choose your method and style of circumcision. The style of circumcision is more about aesthetics, and those who are circumcised will definitely have a different taste, regardless of the style of circumcision, and the most important thing is that circumcision actually makes your penis cleaner and healthier.
Circumcision does not make your penis cleaner. This sounds like the kind of logic used in the 1800s when John Harvey Kellogg asserted that circumcision would cure epilepsy, masturbation, and blindness. This line of reasoning could also be applied to teeth: let's remove them so brushing will be unnecessary. Nonsense. Daily showers and soaping one's genitals keeps them clean without the need of a surgical procedure!
Totally agree Joejoe_747 . I use soap daily to clean under my foreskin and then 20-30 seconds of the shower jet on it to remove all traces of soap. I’ve never had any issues with cleanliness or infection.
I know some guys on here say don’t ever use soap. I think as long as you rinse well, there should be no problems.
Here's an interesting fact over washing your genitals is bad because you wash away the good bacteria and allow the bad bacteria to multiply which can make it smell if you don't believe me look it up washing once a day is more than enough I do never had a problem
I'd generally only was it once in daily bath.If I didn't it would likely get itchy n irritated .
I don't think soap discriminates between good and bad bacteria
You I have no concept of how it works yes you're right it doesn't discriminate but it takes time for good bacteria to build up bad bacteria multiplies twice as fast so it becomes a power struggle and the more you wash it off the worse it gets eventually the bad bacterial takeover
Im 39 and was just circumcised 3 months ago. And I can tell u from 39 years of personal experience that foreskin will quickly become unclean, unhygienic, smelly, dirty, itchy, irritated, build up residue and eventually smegma if u don't wash pretty quickly after sex or masturbation. Regardless of "good or bad" bacteria. Simply drying it completely with a towel will not suffice. And I'm not a dirty person. And have only had a smelly foreskin when I couldn't shower for a few days like camping. Or if I had sex or maturbated and didn't shower, like if I went to work. By the time I got off work it would be kind of rank and I'd have to shower immediately. Compared to peers who were cut did not have this problem. So I am NOT saying uncircumcised is dirty! But I am saying foreskin is more susceptible to getting musty easier. It's nothing life changing, it just requires a bit more care. Where as circumcised penis is easier to stay clean. Either way u still want to shower. It's just if ur cut. U don't have to worry about smegma or residue or smell or getting itchy or irritated or immediately wanting to take a shower after sex
It doesn't matter if you think so, if you don't circumcise your penis is clean, then I believe that if circumcision makes the penis cleaner. I am a Muslim and in my country in Southeast Asia, we have a custom to wash our urine with water, both those who are circumcised and those who are not. Actually it's just a matter of the pros and cons of circumcision and cultural differences in each country, so it's only natural if you think that way.
As someone who was uncircumcised for 39 years. Circumcission is more hygienic. When uncircumcised I would immediately want to shower after sex or masturbation bcuz moisture and dampness would stay trapped in crevices of folds of foreskin even if dried all the way with a towel smegma and almost an irritation would start to manifest in about half a day sometimes less tim inbhot weather. I would always want to shower immediately after either. Which a lot of times would eliminate quickies. Where as buddies who were circumcised don't have to worry about moisture or dampness or fluids being trapped anywhere. And I'm a clean person so it's not from me being unhygienic. I take 2 showers a day as a default sometimes more
What method/ style do you feel achieves the most aesthetic result ?
It's mainly due to that phimotic ring part annoying me.Always felt it was a bit tight n doesn't go back n forth over the erect head as I'd like,kinda jams.
It's like that, so it's mandatory to open the foreskin, one way is by circumcision, the results are permanent and don't interfere with daily activities
How dyou mean it's like that ? N results are permanent ?
When circumcised, part of the mucosa and foreskin will be cut, according to the style of circumcision, so it will disappear, and the results of the circumcision will be permanent, it cannot come back because there is a cut there
No sure what you mean mate what can't come back ? What will dissappear?
That's a circumcision procedure, if your circumcision removes part of the foreskin by cutting it, and the results of the circumcision are permanent, it can't return to its original shape because there has been cutting according to the style of circumcision. I hope you understand.
So you think a tighter cut = better pleasure ?
Did you not lose the frenulum same time as first circ ? Why did you have the revision ?
What exactly was it you found uncomfortable ? Do you find both sex n wanking better now ? Is lube imperative ?
When cut very tight is wanking not feel odd ?
Would you advise against looser cut ? Go for at least medium to tight ?
What exactly do you mean by zero mate ?
Do you mean like that phimotic ring part strangles it a bit doesn't glide over the head easy ?
Why did you have the frenulum trimmed ?
Did you get a tight cut first tike? Never known what a looser one felt like ?
If a tight cuts all you've known how can you be so sure ?
Have you had both a loose cut and a tight cut ? You sound sure !
So did you get a loose one first ?