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Recently circumcised? Worried? Issues? Read on . . . Top hacks and confidence given ✔

JJLAD2020 profile image
2 Replies

Hello there,

If you are reading this the likelyhood (no pun intended) is that you've recently been circumcised and have some concerns/reservations?

Well, I was circumcised 13 days ago after having phimosis and hope my experiances and advice help others as people here helped me. On around day 5 I was really worried - I had swelling, brusing, blood present and was so sore it was effecting me badly.

I found these forums and my recovery started rapidly changing then. Since then my progress has been quick. So here are some of the top tips I've been given and one tip I came up with that others think I should share too!

1. DO NOT PANIC! Think about it, you've just had a penis operation! Of course it will be sore, uncomfortable and tender.

2. Swelling and brusing: Again, your penis is the most sensitive part of your anatomy and it has just been cut - soreness, itching and weeping - though unsightly and unwelcome - are also signs of the healing process. If these are present try not to worry too much as it's likely it's you body doing what it needs to to heal. ALWAYS seek medical advise if things become too worrying though and to be on the safe side after a day or two if no progress is made.

3. Sensitivity: The gland we feel sore and sensitive. I really struggled with this. When the tip rubbed my leg or clothing it was so painful. I just put a gauze dressing over the tip to minimise the contact and gradually increased the time I spent commando to desensitise the area. It is still sore now but bareable.

4. Hygiene: Keep him clean. It is imperative you clean you penis. After day 2 of just strip washing I found standing in a warm (not hot) shower and just allowing the water to run over my penis and dabbing it with a flannel worked pretty well. I then used a hair dryer on a mud heat setting to dry it (advice I got on here). There was a slight smell in the early days a few hours after washing but this subsided after a week or so.

5. Stitches and dissovables: I have dissovable stitches and they have fallen out pretty spontaneously from day 5 and some still remain. Dont pull them out, even if loose, leave them alone. My Dr's advice was if there were any still present after 3-4 weeks pop back and see him.

6. Sleep and erections: The first few nights were awful. I was sore and didn't sleep well days 1-5. I had some erections in the night and they hurt. My stitches were being stretched and I thought my penis was going to snap off! Good news is it didn't - bad news is they still happen!

7. Diet: If you drink and smoke - stop. These will delay the healing process. I am a social drinker but stopped over my recovery from day 5 and it was then I saw improvements. I drink more water than ever before and my diet is clean. Do I think this helped? I guess it could be a coincidence but then again it's a chance worth taking right?

8. Sex and masturbating: I haven't yet had an orgasm but its too early. My body is telling me that. If I get an erection its sore - thats all the sign I need.

Me and my wife played around the other night and it did my head in 😄 she climaxed (through masterbation with a vibe and me teasing) but all it did was get me aroused and make my stitches want to rip out. However, I wanted to keep her happy so dealt with it for the while. Will have to just be patient. I have seen others trying to masterbate as early as day 7 on the forums but I dont want to risk any long lasting damage that will make me have to wait even longer!! Patience is a virtue!!!

And finally.....

9. HOCKEY CUP!!! This is my golden egg. My gift to you as a fellow willy worrier. I brought a hockey cup jockstrap after a brainwave about keeping my clothing off my penis. It worked a treat! It allowed me to be mobile whilst keeping my mate tucked up in a bit of gauze. It worked so well after day 8 i was able to reasonably comfortably play golf and sleep at night (apart from on erection nights).

The cup I brought is perferated so still allows some air flow and the cup part can be removed with ease too should you want a break in wearing it/to clean. The link to the one I got is below;

In summary I guess it's worth remembering we are all different. We heal at different speeds, our penises are all different looking and we will all experiance different hurdles.

I hope some of the tips help you on your journey and that they give you comfort in your recovery.

Wishing you health and happiness.

Robin Nohood 😆


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JJLAD2020 profile image
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2 Replies

Many thanks for that comprehensive report on your experience of circumcision healing. While we are all different in terms of our experience of healing, I feel sure that your experience will resonate with many. Take care.

Davidb456 profile image

This is exactly what I needed to read - this forum has been so helpful! I'm on day 12 so thanks for your post!

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