Hi, I just wanted to know if anything looks strange. I don't bleed anymore and I just feel little pain sometimes when I have an erection and the stitches started to fall off recently. I would like to know too if those "bumps" are going to fade with time or I have to do something about them.
Is it recovering well? (18 day Circum... - Men's Health Foru...
Is it recovering well? (18 day Circumcision)

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From what I can see I would say you’re doing pretty good! There is not a lot of swelling and yes it is too early for all the bumps to go already so just show some patience. I guess you’re a bit late with the stitches falling off as they are supposed to be gone around two weeks. If they take long to go you should contact a nurse to remove them by hand and don’t try to do it by yourself! Cheers!
The stitches and general condition looks exactly the same than mine after 2 weeks and my urologist commented: „Splendid“, when doing the second post surgery check.
Hi, once the stitches have gone things will improve they can be very annoying when having erections or even catching on clothes, hopefully the bumps reduced in time massaging them with a little oil or moisturiser will help and soften the scar as well.