I am 16 years of age by the way and I am also uncut and I was wondering if this is normal as my foreskin doesn’t move behind the head when erect but however when it’s not erect I can easily move it behind the glands such as showering and washing it, is this normal due to my age as it hasn’t separated yet and I’m a virgin or do I generally have a issue such as a condition? Also please ignore the slight smegma it’s really hard and rough to smooth so I’m gonna try really scrubbing it with a soap and please respond as I’m worried for myself with future activities.
Is this normal or do I have phimosis? - Men's Health Foru...
Is this normal or do I have phimosis?

It looks like you might have phimosis, the glans should be fully exposed for you to have a normal penis.
If you suspect phimosis then you need to go to a doc for diagnosis and treatment.
Hey Robert , the call for steroid ointment or the procedure should be yours but based on a doctors evaluation . Although you are still young , there are still chances of further growth of the glans/head and may be a difficulty later on especially if the skin does not catch up . It would be best if you meet a doc ! All the best !
P.s don't scrub your penis . It's a very easily irritable structure . Using warm water and soap daily lather the area and rinse it well, let the smeagma gradually drop off and you don't have to remove all of it in one go . It would be ideal however not to allow further smeagma collections to occur in the future . Also use clean hands when touching any part there .
thank you so much I really respect it so do you think I should wait some more time so to my age and then call something later on or should I try a few things to release the foreskin behind the glands and I really respect the tips and help your providing me with.
What are the things that you would try for the release of foreskin ? Don't fall for any gimmicks online and definitely dont try to self treat . You may want to definitely consult a doctor and he can advise you best . If its a severe case he might suggest the procedure and this will definitely help you out . In case it is mild , he will prescribe ointments and stretching which may help . Don't get too worried , we have all been there at some point and managed to get past it. Definitely get a good docs opinion . All the best !
just See the doc it might be fungal