The swelling comes & goes but not completely, even when I use salt water it swells, I went to the Dr. He said I will be fine but I'm worried bcz it's almost six weeks..
5weeks 2days into circumcision & I'm ... - Men's Health Foru...
5weeks 2days into circumcision & I'm still swallon my penis is not back to its original size.

As long as your lymphatic system is out of order. There will be on/off swelling between glans and wound line. Fluids has no easy way out. Your body is amazing it will re-built vessels, but it takes time.
Do you still have an open wound area, cause you told about using salt water? Have you already tested light pressure on it by using a roller bandage by nights. It may help with swelling thing.
No I have no open area the wound has closed, it's only the swelling, & when it's it erect it looks half of its size another thing I'm concerned about.
No longer using salt water the Dr. Said there no need for it, so now what should I be using just clean water,
You suggesting that I should roll a bandage tightly around my penis b4 I go to bed..
Can you read? Is "light pressure" = "bandage tightly"? You can try, if it helps.
I don't under stand what you meant by
" testing light pressure"
I can't tell you what is the right torque moment of a roll bandage. Of course it should be tight enough to stay on. But don't stop blood flow on glans.
Okay thank a lot I feel relieved a bit, I guess after the swelling is gone, only then I will get back to normal size.
Some good advice for you. Please do not forget that some guys have reported swelling issues for a year. Time is a healer after surgery.
You can also try snug briefs keeping your penis upright.
Gravity will give you some assistance with draining.
Wash your briefs with baby safe laundry detergent. Regular detergent may irritate your newly exposed glans, especially if not rinsed out well enough. Also don't use soap when washing your penis. Plain water is just fine.

OK thank you, problem is I only hve trunks, but I will find a way to keep it facing upright
It takes 6 months to a year to heal all the way. I still had some swelling at 6 months.
Hello, the swelling is completely normal!
Avoid using any fragranced shower gels or soap and clean it with coconut oil. It will speed up the healing and keep it clean as well as infection free as it’s anti fungal and antimicrobial. Just make sure that the coconut oil is the real pure stuff in a glass jar. Coconut merchant does the best I’ve ever used.
OK I was using antiseptic (detol), I will have to look for this coconut oil. Also worried about something else I'm not sure if the doc didn't remove too much skin cz it's definitely not on it normal size when erect it's just fat & short. Can the procedure change anything regardless to size & the shape of penis