So d-day has arrived.. 10 hours time and I will be knocked out getting my foreskin and frenulum removed after 34 years of it being a part of me eeeeek! Can’t say I am really nervous about the op, more so for the recovery afterwards. This forum has been a real help in the lead up to it, so I am hoping to keep a blog of progress to help other guys out. Wish me luck!
Circumcision Day Tomorrow!: So d-day... - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision Day Tomorrow!

Hey man, all the best for tomorrow you will be fine I'm sure. make sure and take photos of it now and afterwards you will look back in years to come and say was it really like that. and it may help others
Thanks. Still devastated its come down to this but now a case of needs must.
I presume it was phimosis that seems to be the biggest problem for guys. there's no point in suffering I'm sure you tried to fix it sometimes it just doesn't work. Don't worry man it's not too bad I prefer being circumcised now to before
You guessed it, pretty severe phimosis. Surgeon appeared shocked at the state of the foreskin following the op. I am praying it changes life for the better for me. Glad you are happy with yours
Well done man you're over it now. it definitely will change your life in a good way. Take it easy now let it heal you shouldn't have too much pain I think but you probably will have very sensitive glans after having phimosis all your life. if you sleep on your side with with knees in the fetal position it will help reduce night-time erections. and try and keep him in an upright position to reduce swelling and maybe some ice would help. If there's anything you need to ask that's no problem all the best.
Thank you. I think I have had a form of phimosis since being young but it prevented retraction back in 2016 whether flaccid or erect, before that it was fine flaccid but always felt a bit tight when erect when retracted - hopefully this gives the little man some much needed freedom. No pain as such as the moment but I suspect its the calm before the storm tomorrow where the LA will have wore off and can sense the glands are sensitive due to being a few year of being trapped under the hood so to speak
It will be better now for you once you are healed there's nothing nice about having tight foreskin it can be quite painful when you get little cuts and tears. I don't think you will have much pain it was more discomfort for me and a bit of stinging it will be more the sensitivity then pain I think. you must be sleepy after having the general.
Best wishes - you will be fine. Just try not to get too down during the first week- it's definitely the least pleasant part of the whole deal.
Good luck. I’ve been circumcised now for many years now and I much prefer it to having a foreskin. The healing isn’t pleasant but it will be worth it!
Do you have a « before pic »

I will be posting pics as i document my recovery period. This forum has been a real help so feel I want to help others
Good luck, I found that an ice pack helped me. Sit back and relax.
Thanks mate, currently sat in my gown and stockings ha!
You will definitely love joining cut club or the 33% circumcised men's population of the world. You gonna miss nothing but going to enhance your orgasm, sex and so on. Congrats, and all the best mate. I got circumcised last year, at 21 and revision it for tighten up it this year at 22. Love being circumcised.

Thanks. I really hope its a positive experience for me.
Yeah, you will be mate.
Good luck! I am sure you won’t regret it. I was cut 4 years ago and I am very much satisfied with the outcome.
Stay strong, im on day 11 and result is already beautiful. First few days may be painful and you may see blood/a lot i mean A LOT of swelling. After the first week things will get better. Your head will be really sensitive for 1+ weeks
Thanks for the message. Yeah the swelling is pretty naughty right now, really big and appears to “swallowing” my head, not a good look!
It's going to be fine, try to relax the first week you need to stay home mostly but then you will see that it's all definitely worth it ! I've got mine done 3 weeks ago and I'm absolutely fine now
Well, all done and back home. Swelling is outrageous, never seen the little man look so girthy lol no pain/discomfort yet as was told they game me a penile block which essentially is a local given by injection so am pretty numb down there and its been over 6 hours since my surgery... kind of trying to prepare myself for some pain/discomfort kicking in soon. Managed to go for 3 pee’s so far thankfully. I must say without this forum to refer to ad be feeling pretty lonely right now as the advice/information given by the surgeon and nurses was very very little. For example I have been told no bathing for 2 weeks to avoid stitches getting wet yet read on here gently dipping it in a salty water solution can aid recovery but am just a bit worried about urine covering my frenulum area and possible infection. Also, been advised to keep it covered until “everything appears dry” but again read that keeping the area open to air aids recovery so just feeling a little confused at the moment. Surgeon said my foreskin was riddled with infection so literally had no choice but to get the operation done, now thats over I just want to get this first awkward week out of the way. Happy to answer any questions about the surgery
Well done and glad it went well. I only had a partial circumcision but it still was a circumcision - every operation is different but my surgeon would not even put a gauze or a dressing on - came to check on it a couple of hours later and sent me home in disposable pants and said wear really loose boxers; odd as I had packed really tight ones thinking that was the right thing to do.

Thanks Jamie. Yeah it seems the advice given by health pro’s differs so much, so glad I found this forum for the help and support I require.
Yes the forum is great. I had my op and had never written on a site like this. There were so many questions I had with no one to ask them and it’s just good to share the experience.

Absolutely, I want to help others by detailing my recovery process so will be posting regularly
Goodluck buddy! I had mine done almost 2 months ago. First few days are weird, plus the night erections wake ya up. But you’ll get thru it!
How has your recovery went? Today hasn’t been that challenging following the op but I sense thats due to the local jab I got meaning its been numb most the day, its starting to nip a little now
My recovery actually went really well.... only thing was getting used to the sensitivity. So I didn’t walk much most of the first 2 days, then starting walking. I worked tight boxer briefs to keep my penis in place. Night erections would wake me up during the night, so I would sleep in the fetal position with a pillow inbetween my legs to help.
If you have any more questions I’m here to help.
Glad to hear yours went well, I am hoping to have a similar experience. Already dreading the erections but will just deal with them as and when. Appreciate that, this forum has been a godsend
All the best on recovery hope u have empty balls and had a last wank as will help reduce hardens over next few days good luck m8
Hi. How are you feeling today?

Hi Peter. It all feels a bit strange at the moment, I expected to be in pain but there isn’t any and hasn’t been thus far. It can be uncomfortable but generally fine. I fully expect it could go downhill quickly but the swelling is actually rolling over the glands at the moment so kind of protecting it. Am a little worried the stitches should be on show to allow them to do there work as I can see a ridge under the swollen shaft skin which I suspect is the line of stitches
Others on here will offer better advice than me on stitches and swelling. I had my second circumcision 23 years ago and don’t remember much about that now. I do remember that I had no pain afterwards - none at all. Sounds like it’s fine so far. Hope it will continue to be so.

How come you had 2? Happy with the outcome?
I was circumcised as an infant. I was always happy with it but decided to have a revision when I was 20 as I wanted it to be really tight and I wanted my frenulum removed. I have posted photos so have a look if you like. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.
It's normal enough not to have pain I think I didn't either just uncomfortable at times. it my turn Black and Blue over the next couple of days that's from the anaesthetic injections. It sounds like you had a high cut that leaves more inner foreskin which tends to swell more try and keep him upright as much as you can and maybe use some ice I found it helped me but some guys say it doesn't work but it's not harm to try it. some anti-inflammatory painkillers might also help if you have any pain