It’s been approx. 7 days since I was circumcised. majority of noticeable swelling around penis has reduced but my frenulum remains ginormous in comparison and quite sensitive to touch.
I’m concerned about the healing and infection possibility
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It’s been approx. 7 days since I was circumcised. majority of noticeable swelling around penis has reduced but my frenulum remains ginormous in comparison and quite sensitive to touch.
I’m concerned about the healing and infection possibility
Hi Man, the ice cubes as nowhard has suggested should help with the swelling. And also warm salted water in a small bowl a few times a today should help with infections keep everything very clean any sign of infection go to your GP straight away.
Also put your penis with the head up you could use a little bandage and tape to maintain it that way, it will help a lot with the swelling
You’d want to check this out myadultcircumcision.blogspo...
this is the same as for me the wound around the frenulum is fine but there is still swelling but not big and painful.