Will leaving gauze soaked in hydrogen... - Men's Health Foru...
Will leaving gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide help with my circumcision? My urologist told me to do this but I’m not sure if it is safe

It is not safe to put that on a circumcision
Keep it dry and apply , FUCIDIN OR FUSIDIC ACID , 3 TIMES a day for 7 days and that’s it , no more risks of infection .do not soak it in anything especially hydrogen peroxide .
how long has it been since your cirugery?

A week and a half almost two weeks
That's normal . Use bio oil from amazon to apply after2 weeks 2 times a day for a month . In the meantime put what i said Fucidic acid or fucidin for 7 days . No hydogen peroxide down there .

Ok thank you, and what are those black indents?
Your penis went to a lot of trauma , doing this operation is not easy for the penis , you don’t wanna see mine , it looked like it was burned by direct fire flames .black indents are usually cooked blood and dead tissue so leave it as it is everything will falloff by itself . Let your skin decide when that happens , Don’t rush things.

Ok thank you, I’m 18 and was worried cause it looked weird
Get in Vitamin C 2000mg per day to speed up.healing and if you smoke stop it for 4 weeks at least . 1000mg morning 1000mg night 😉

Thank you so much. The area that the cooked blood is in is where it was circumcised and probably covers stitches, Will I have to get more stitches once it cleans up?
Yes I am in the US, my circumcision seems to be healing well it’s been about two weeks but underneath are two sunken in spots that are black, I’m not sure if they are blood
The cooked blood will be a hard scab and will fall off by itself in time revealing clean healthy skin , so no stiches are required anymore. Just dont prick the scab or the cooked blood .
The fucidic acid that i told you about makes it be soft with time and fall off for example .so after the scabs fall off thats when the Bio oil bust be rubbed daily 2 times for minimum 2 months .

Alright thank you so much
Ur welcome mate , keep me updated .
Doctor should've advised you to remove it after x amount of days. don't think you should have on form more. Take care.. btw. snug briefs would help with the discomfort. it helped me.