To every one that is on this site, or just pops in now and then i wish you a happy Xmas, so many people have written from there heart, which is so very brave of them. To those who lost someone i know Xmas will be very hard for you, so my love goes to you, for the people still fighting on, do not give in, you will make it., to the new people to this site, welcome, remember we are all here for you, there is no too big or too small questions, if you think you are going mad, you are not, you can read our stories, you will be amazed sometimes you will think it was written by you, NEVER feel alone, we all look after each other here. this site will help you understand, will give you hope, will answers questions, and i hope give the will to carry on.
So to everyone, thank you for support when i was 1st ill, and thank you for people taking time to help newbies, by giving you are healing not only them but yourself.
So lets hope 2013 brings joy and hope to all