I was wondering what ages and where others ... - Meningitis Now

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I was wondering what ages and where others are from. I was told that I'm not in the "normal" age group to get vm.

Ranny profile image
12 Replies

I was 44 the first time I had vm and I'm 49 now and recovering from it for the 2nd time. I live in Georgia.

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Ranny profile image
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12 Replies
Gra661 profile image


I don't think there is any age restriction or any particular area that would be exempt to be honest. I must admit by my own ignorance and probably along with everyone else that it was an illness that was associated with the young. How wrong can you be!!! I contracted the illness when I was 52 and totally bemused after my diagnosis as I thought that I too was in the wrong age group and it was only the young who could contract this awful illness,

I live in the UK in the north east of England to be precise and there like the rest of the UK it isn't a hot bed for the illness there are cases dotted all of the country and not specically concentrated in any particular area as far as I'm aware.

I believe that in the USA they are more pro-active with this illness whereas we in the UK are reactive as its not until you have it that any treatment is given. It is quite sad in that respect that you have to suffer so much before treatment is given.

It is sites like this one, which is really helpful as you are not alone and you can share your experiences with others and also to ask questions about what concerns you about the illness and recovery from it. We have all been there unfortunately.

Once was enough for me, there are people like yourself who have had it more than once and I do hope that you recover quickly because as you well know it is a particularly awful illness to recover from. I hope you recover quickly but as always take your time and don't rush it.


Jonad724 profile image

Hi Ranny, I had VM at 39 and my brother had it about two months before hand when he was 53, mine was more serious than his as it was near fatal. I also live in England but in the south east as does my brother so I don't think necessarily there's a link between location and age to be honest. Mine was triggered by the chickenpox virus which was already resident in me (I had it at 31) so the only external factor was the hours of work I was doing. My body basically broke down and my neurologist said if I was lucky I would have got shingles but if unlucky it would be VM.

I have been left with Mollaret's Meningitis which is where the illness recurs on a periodic basis so I do know how you feel but the trick is to take it easy and listen to your body. If it says rest, then rest, don't try and push through it as it'll just come back and bite you. This august I completed a half ironman (1.4 swim, 56 mile bike ride, 13.1 mile run) so proof positive that there is life even if the illness does recur.

Good luck and hang in there!

Vespalover profile image

I am 50 and had the begginings of the shingles rash then 5 days later had VM. The Doctors believe the VM was as a result of the shingles. So Jonad724.....I guess I was lucky then .....unlucky!

Ranny profile image

Thank you for your responses. Both times I have had it the doctors have told be me that I'm not in the normal age range to get vm. They say usually people that get it are really young or elderly. From what I have seen on this site, many people get it that aren't in the so called normal age range.

Tiga profile image

what is normal, i was 45 and had VM, but again what is normal, if you have it, you heve it

jazmine profile image

im 52 & live in south of england & have had it nearly 4wks so far,

haywood profile image

I am 55 and living in Ontario Canada. How I got this VM, I will never know. My doctor was even shocked that I got it. Been 4 months and still not good..

tjandaksmama profile image

Hi, I'm 36. I live in Illinois. I had vm in July. I am now dealing with after effects. Ugh.

-emma- profile image

Hey! I'm 35 from Scotland...I had pneumococcal meningitis in 2009 when i was 32....Still living with after effect which the gp says is unfortunate but basically tough luck. Now been diagnosed with arthritis, I'm wondering if the meningitis triggered it ??

Mypain profile image

I was 41 and on a beautiful vacation. Beautiful? Well everyone else said it was. I don't remember any of it! I think it can hit at any age. It just needs all the right conditions to get ahold of us. Well I'm 6 years in and still struggle everyday, but thank God I'm still here.

zerusgo profile image

Appreciate you sharing, great blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.

maineknitter profile image

I had bacterial meningitis in 2011, September. At the time I was 37, not the usual age, but no one said anything about age around me. They were all telling me how lucky I am to have survived. I entered the hospital on day 6-7 of being sick with something, and had been there twice before with no luck in getting a full diagnosis. First they said viral syndrome, then uti and sinus infection. The second doctor almost did a spinal tap, but wasn't quite convinced that one was needed. If she had, I'd know more about the type of sickness other than that it was bacterial meningitis. She gave me one of the strongest oral antibiotics you can take since I had the double infection. Anyways, don't worry about age, there's enough to do dealing with the after effects to also worry about whether you are normal or not. We are all weird in someway, right?

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