Has your body reacted badly to any medical ... - Meningitis Now
Has your body reacted badly to any medical treatment?

Total lose of hearing in left ear. Rubbish balance and strange feeling in toes.
Affected hearing in left ear, along with uncontrolled fluttering deep within same ear . My core temperature has now dropped from around 37 to between 34.5 and 35.5.
as they would not treat me till i had spinal tap, it took 2 days 4 docs and 12 needles in my back, till they did it right, now i have cronic back pain from the needle damage, also my left ear feels like there is a pea stuck in it all the time
Have terrible spinal pain...maybe from lumbar puncture.... I sweat so much it's unreal.. Gone from always cold to burning..... And magnified noise drives me insane....
The spinal pain may be a ruptured disk, that is what i have. My dr. Told me that is a side effect from the strong antibiotics.i just found that out yesterday.