My 19 year old son was diagnosed with viral meningitis on Oct 31st. He is still suffering from constant dull headaches and neck pain. The headaches are worse when he is sitting up. They make him nauseous and he isn't eating much and has lost 10lbs (he is already very skinny and doesn't need to lose any weight). He has seen an Infectious disease doctor twice and went back to the ER once. No one is offering any solutions for the headaches. I mentioned a blood patch and the anesthesiologist didn't think it was warranted because he "didn't look like someone suffering from a spinal headache" Any advice on my next steps. The doctors keep saying it will go away on its own with time. He is miserable. He hasn't been able to work in over 2 weeks, he stays laying in the bed most of the day. Are there any specific tests or scans I can request to see if something else is going on?
Constant headache: My 19 year old son was... - Meningitis Now
Constant headache
400 mg Vitamin B2 and 400 mg Magnesium Oxide were recommended to me by my neurologist and I have seen that Topamax is recommended a lot on this forum (it is by Rx and was also recommended to me by my neurologist) for my headaches. I just started on CBD oil two nights ago made by Ananda Professionals. I am taking the oil tincture and I saw this recommended on this forum as well. Today was the best headache day I've had since July 20th (the day I began with VM). I'm almost afraid to say anything. Good luck. I would also recommend lots of fluids, little screen time (computer, cell phone, TV). Docs don't get it. It's frustrating. This forum helps. Hang in there!!
Maganesium is very good but Not oxide, it's the cheapest least absorbed mag. I had a severe mag deficiency needing infusions it was so severe & read massively on the subject. Doctors always recommend that kind which is sad. Magnesium Glycinate is pretty good & well absorbed. I take it everyday & always will cuz our bodies need it for hundreds of functions. Be well.
Topiramate 2x a day and Phenagren suppository for nausea. Perfectly normal. Drinl lots of water, hot yoga, tiger balm on neck and forehead. rest, rest, rest.
Awful illness ...there seems to be no end to the headaches .but they do get better,I was bed bound for 6 weeks and sitting up was just awful. However little by little they will get easier ..the doctors play down VM and I found my self looking for support and answers to give me hope .I am now 3 years post VM however it did take me a good 12 months to feel myself .I still have bad headaches and my memory (short term ) has taken a hit .but he will be ok early days ..I was off work for 9 weeks .don't expect miracles it takes time for the brain to recover however he will be fine in time ....
I had it when! I was 18 months old unfortunately but I have to say I grew up living like having headaches and a sore neck everyday was normal only to find out through this site that it's not and I'm 40 years old now and still have headaches everyday and a sore sore neck! Now I'm on Valium every single day
Ice packs,magnesium,and plenty of water and will get better but you need to take care of yourself as best you can...
I had this problem - I had viral meningitus and the main side effect I had post was insane headaches. I was pushed from GP to neurologists and ended up in hospital admitted multiple times. I got lucky when a rheumatologist was passing when I was admitted one day and diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. I say lucky because treating for that helped make my headaches managable. Does your son have other symptoms to headaches? Such as hypersensitivity? Muscle aches? If so, I'd really recommend reading up on fibromyalgia (or feel free to message me - just didn't want to spam your post with a lengthy reply!) and asking your GP to formally test and diagnose him for it.
It could be also just general wear n tear - your son's brian has gone through a lot ! The best way I can think of to describe viral meningitus is like severe dehydration. The headaches when you have meningitus is due to the membranes (or "meninges") that surround your brian swelling and putting pressure on your skull. Drinking lots of water will help to start your brian back on its recovery trip. Drug wise I'd advise sticking to anti-inflammatories such as ibrupofen. If he is struggling with sleeping (and rest is an essential part of any recovery) then speak to your GP about amitriptiline.
Tell him to hang in there... had bacterial meningitis and a slight stroke about three years ago and still to this say suffer from the same types of headaches off and on... more on than off im afraid.... neurologists are no help and I'm not going on 84 different drugs just to try to see if they work. I've found laying down in a dark silent room helps alot, as well as strong indica and high cbd strains of cannabis...........This is the only thing I've found to help to deal with it..... They do come and go in waves, but it helps you ride it out smoother.