Hi helpies ! My dad was diagnosed with oligodendroglioma anaplastic grade 3 on 19th and was operated on 20th. He was all fine and conscious with no signs of memory loss. However the front portion of his head got swollen and he was complaining of headache after a week. We got him admitted to hospital where they drained out water from his spine for 2 days. He became weak and lost his consciousness. Doctors informed us that he has meningitis and his sodium levels have dropped down. These series of events caused him to lose consciousness. Right now , today on 31st July he is in E2V2M5 neurological status. His limbs move but he not able to walk. He is bedridden now. He does not speak and eats with the pipe that is inserted in his nostril. He is basically on a liquid diet.
Because of this state , doctors are not giving radio and chemotherepy until this improves.
I need your help. If you have any suggestions for me , I would be really thankful. Any specific things that could help him regain his motor skills or vocals. Anything.
Thank you in advance.